linux - 是否从页面缓存中的脏页面进行文件读取?

标签 linux caching linux-kernel filesystems page-caching




文件读取将从页面缓存中获取数据,而不写入磁盘。来自 Robert Love 的Linux 内核开发第三版:

Whenever the kernel begins a read operation—for example, when a process issues the read() system call—it first checks if the requisite data is in the page cache. If it is, the kernel can forgo accessing the disk and read the data directly out of RAM.This is called a cache hit. If the data is not in the cache, called a cache miss, the kernel must schedule block I/O operations to read the data off the disk.


The third strategy, employed by Linux, is called write-back. In a write-back cache, processes perform write operations directly into the page cache.The backing store is not immediately or directly updated. Instead, the written-to pages in the page cache are marked as dirty and are added to a dirty list. Periodically, pages in the dirty list are written back to disk in a process called writeback, bringing the on-disk copy in line with the inmemory cache.

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