c - 如何在 C 中处理一个 float 以写入 4 个单独的字节?

标签 c pointers compiler-warnings

我有一个需要 32 位 float 的函数,但是在某种模式下,它期望 float 实际上只是 4 个 UINT8 组合在一起。


UINT8 time[6];
FLOAT FSTtime = 0;    //32bit float
UINT8 * FSTtimePointer;

//Get the current time as 6 bytes {secs,mins,hours,day,month,year}
returnSize = appP->DB_get_param_value(12, 0, 8, &time);
if (returnSize < 6) return;

(UINT8*)FSTtimePointer = &FSTtime;   //Line 876

//Pack 4 bytes of time data into a "float"
FSTtimePointer [0] = time[3];  //Reverse month & day because americans are backwards
FSTtimePointer [1] = time[4];
FSTtimePointer [2] = time[2];
FSTtimePointer [3] = time[1];

appP->HIST_write_FST_log(SubMin_CFG.OFFSET, (UINT16)historyPointer, FSTtime);

HIST_write_FST_log 的原型(prototype)是

  void   (*HIST_write_FST_log) (UINT8 hist_pt_index, UINT16 log_index, FLOAT value);


876: C1000 (W) Illegal pointer assignment
876: C1024 (W) First operand of "=" is not lvalue

如果有人感兴趣,我使用的编译器是用于日立处理器的 Renesas H8。



FSTtimePointer = (UINT8*) &FSTtime;

关于c - 如何在 C 中处理一个 float 以写入 4 个单独的字节?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36074096/


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