c - 我的 memcpy 实现失败

标签 c

在了解代码以及根据接收到的数据进行字节传输或字传输的需要后,我正在尝试 memcpy.c 实现。


void* my_memcpy(void*,const void*,int); // return type void* - can return any type

struct s_{
        int a;
        int b;

int main(){
        struct s_ ss,dd;
        ss.a = 12;
        ss.b = 13;
        printf("\n sizeof(struct) : %d \n",sizeof(ss));
        printf("\n a:%d b:%d \n",dd.a,dd.b);
        return 0;

void* my_memcpy(void* s,const void* d,int count){
        if(((s | d | count) & (sizeof(unsigned int)-1)0)){
                char* ps = (char* )s;
                char* pd = (char* )d;
                char* pe = (char* )s + count;
                while(ps != pe){
                        *(pd++) = *(ps++);
                unsigned int* ps = (unsigned int* )s;
                unsigned int* pd = (unsigned int* )d;
                unsigned int* pe = (unsigned int* )s + count;
                while(ps != pe){
                        *(pd++) = *(ps++);

错误:二进制操作数无效 | (void* 和 const void*)。

我不能或用 const void* 来实现 void*。

在我之前在 Understanding the implementation of memcpy() 中提出的问题中它被类型转换为(地址)。



根据标准,不能对指针使用按位运算: Why can't you do bitwise operations on pointer in C, and is there a way around this?


关于c - 我的 memcpy 实现失败,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19197272/


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