matlab - 计算二维联合概率分布

标签 matlab points plane probability-density accumarray


% Data
N = 1e5;    % number of points
xy = rand(N, 2);    % coordinates of points
xy(randi(2*N, 100, 1)) = 0;    % add some points on one side
xy(randi(2*N, 100, 1)) = 1;    % add some points on the other side
xy(randi(N, 100, 1), :) = 0;    % add some points on one corner
xy(randi(N, 100, 1), :) = 1;    % add some points on one corner
inds= unique(randi(N, 100, 1)); xy(inds, :) = repmat([0 1], numel(inds), 1);    % add some points on one corner
inds= unique(randi(N, 100, 1)); xy(inds, :) = repmat([1 0], numel(inds), 1);    % add some points on one corner

% Intervals for rectangles
K1 = ceil(sqrt(N/5));    % number of intervals along x
K2 = K1;    % number of intervals along y
int_x = [0:(1 / K1):1, 1+eps];    % intervals along x
int_y = [0:(1 / K2):1, 1+eps];    % intervals along y

% First approach
count_cells = zeros(K1 + 1, K2 + 1);
for k1 = 1:K1+1
  inds1 = (xy(:, 1) >= int_x(k1)) & (xy(:, 1) < int_x(k1 + 1));
  for k2 = 1:K2+1
    inds2 = (xy(:, 2) >= int_y(k2)) & (xy(:, 2) < int_y(k2 + 1));
    count_cells(k1, k2) = sum(inds1 .* inds2);
% Elapsed time is 46.090677 seconds.

% Second approach
count_again = zeros(K1 + 2, K2 + 2);
for k1 = 1:K1+1
  inds1 = (xy(:, 1) >= int_x(k1));
  for k2 = 1:K2+1
    inds2 = (xy(:, 2) >= int_y(k2));
    count_again(k1, k2) = sum(inds1 .* inds2);
count_again_fix = diff(diff(count_again')');
% Elapsed time is 22.903767 seconds.

% Check: the two solutions are equivalent
all(count_cells(:) == count_again_fix(:))


编辑 --> 我刚刚也发现了这个,这是迄今为止找到的最佳解决方案:

count_cells_hist = hist3(xy, 'Edges', {int_x int_y});
count_cells_hist(end, :) = []; count_cells_hist(:, end) = [];
all(count_cells(:) == count_cells_hist(:))
% Elapsed time is 0.245298 seconds.


编辑 --> chappjc 建议的测试解决方案

xcomps = single(bsxfun(@ge,xy(:,1),int_x));
ycomps = single(bsxfun(@ge,xy(:,2),int_y));
count_again = xcomps.' * ycomps; %' 143x143 = 143x1e5 * 1e5x143
count_again_fix = diff(diff(count_again')');
% Elapsed time is 0.737546 seconds.
all(count_cells(:) == count_again_fix(:))


我写了一个简单的 mex 函数,当 N 很大时它工作得很好。当然这是作弊,但仍然......


#include "mex.h"

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    unsigned long int hh, ctrl;       /*  counters                       */
    unsigned long int N, m, n;        /*  size of matrices               */
    unsigned long int *xy;            /*  data                           */
    unsigned long int *count_cells;   /*  joint frequencies              */
    /*  matrices needed */
    mxArray *count_cellsArray;

/*  Now we need to get the data */
    if (nrhs == 3) {
        xy = (unsigned long int*) mxGetData(prhs[0]);
        N = (unsigned long int) mxGetM(prhs[0]);
        m = (unsigned long int) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);
        n = (unsigned long int) mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);

/*  Then build the matrices for the output */
    count_cellsArray = mxCreateNumericMatrix(m + 1, n + 1, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
    count_cells = mxGetData(count_cellsArray);
    plhs[0] = count_cellsArray;

    hh = 0; /* counter for elements of xy */
    /* for all points from 1 to N */
    for(hh=0; hh<N; hh++) {
        ctrl = (m + 1) * xy[N + hh] + xy[hh];
        count_cells[ctrl] = count_cells[ctrl] + 1;


mex joint_dist_points_2D.c


% Data
N = 1e7;    % number of points
xy = rand(N, 2);    % coordinates of points
xy(randi(2*N, 1000, 1)) = 0;    % add some points on one side
xy(randi(2*N, 1000, 1)) = 1;    % add some points on the other side
xy(randi(N, 1000, 1), :) = 0;    % add some points on one corner
xy(randi(N, 1000, 1), :) = 1;    % add some points on one corner
inds= unique(randi(N, 1000, 1)); xy(inds, :) = repmat([0 1], numel(inds), 1);    % add some points on one corner
inds= unique(randi(N, 1000, 1)); xy(inds, :) = repmat([1 0], numel(inds), 1);    % add some points on one corner

% Intervals for rectangles
K1 = ceil(sqrt(N/5));    % number of intervals along x
K2 = ceil(sqrt(N/7));    % number of intervals along y
int_x = [0:(1 / K1):1, 1+eps];    % intervals along x
int_y = [0:(1 / K2):1, 1+eps];    % intervals along y

% Use Statistics Toolbox: hist3
count_cells_hist = hist3(xy, 'Edges', {int_x int_y});
count_cells_hist(end, :) = []; count_cells_hist(:, end) = [];
% Elapsed time is 4.414768 seconds.

% Use mex function
xy2 = uint32(floor(xy ./ repmat([1 / K1, 1 / K2], N, 1)));
count_cells = joint_dist_points_2D(xy2, uint32(K1), uint32(K2));
% Elapsed time is 0.586855 seconds.

% Check: the two solutions are equivalent
all(count_cells_hist(:) == count_cells(:))

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