slice 类型的 Go-地道命名

标签 go

当我需要 slice 上的方法时,我必须声明一个新类型。但是我应该给它起什么名字呢?

type SliceSomething []Somethingtype SomethingSlice []Something?

因为它被读作“某物的 slice ”,第一个似乎更好,但自动完成可能更喜欢第二个。


CodeReview wiki page

Variable names in Go should be short rather than long.
This is especially true for local variables with limited scope.
Prefer c to lineCount. Prefer i to sliceIndex.

The basic rule: the further from its declaration that a name is used, the more descriptive the name must be.

这就是为什么您不会经常在 go 源代码中找到“Slice”的原因,除了:

encoding/gob/encoder_test.go:335:  type recursiveSlice []recursiveSlice
encoding/json/encode_test.go:107:  type renamedByteSlice []byte
encoding/json/encode_test.go:108:  type renamedRenamedByteSlice []renamedByte
regexp/onepass.go:283:             type runeSlice []rune
sort/sort.go:233:                  type IntSlice []int
sort/sort.go:243:                  type Float64Slice []float64
sort/sort.go:258:                  type StringSlice []string
unicode/maketables.go:1118:        type runeSlice []rune

因此,如果您必须在名称中放入“Slice”,它将是type SomethingSlice []Something 而不是 type SliceSomething []Something

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