multithreading - 为什么基于 channel 的 Lock block ?

标签 multithreading go locking channel

嗨,我正在写一个 Lock使用 channel ,旨在锁定/解锁给定“应用程序”的操作。

总体思路是,一个协程持续监听两个 channel :lockChunlockCh .任何Lock()操作发送自制 channel 到lockCh , 并等待从那个自制 channel 读取,从读取这个 channel 完成意味着 Lock()成功。

类似的过程适用于 Unlock() .

对于监听器 gorouting,它会在接受 Lock() 时检查“应用程序”是否已被锁定,如果是这样,它将把那个自制的 channel 放到等待列表的尾部。如果有人Unlock() ,它会唤醒(通过向 channel 发送消息)下一个服务员,或者如果没有其他人在等待锁,则删除服务员列表。



type receiver struct {
            app  string
            ch   chan struct{}
            next *receiver

type receiveList struct {
            head *receiver
            tail *receiver

type AppLock struct {
            lockCh   chan receiver
            unlockCh chan receiver

            // Consider lock x:
            // if map[x] doesn't exist, x is unlocked
            // if map[x] exist but head is nil, x is locked but no waiter
            // if map[x] exist and head isn't nil, x is locked and there're waiters
            m map[string]receiveList

func NewAppLock() *AppLock {
            l := new(AppLock)
            l.lockCh = make(chan receiver)
            l.unlockCh = make(chan receiver)
            l.m = make(map[string]receiveList)

            go l.lockRoutine()
            return l

func (l *AppLock) Lock(app string) {
            ch := make(chan struct{})
            l.lockCh <- receiver{
                app: app,
                ch:  ch,

func (l *AppLock) Unlock(app string) {
            ch := make(chan struct{})
            l.unlockCh <- receiver{
                app: app,
                ch:  ch,

func (l *AppLock) lockRoutine() {
            for {
                select {
                case r := <-l.lockCh:
                    rlist, ok := l.m[]
                    if ok { // already locked
                        if rlist.head == nil { // no waiter
                            rlist.head = &r
                            rlist.tail = &r
                        } else { // there're waiters, wait in queue
                   = &r
                            rlist.tail = &r
                    } else { // unlocked
                        rlist = receiveList{}
                        l.m[] = rlist
               <- struct{}{}
                case r := <-l.unlockCh:
                    rlist, ok := l.m[]
                    if ok {
                        if rlist.head == nil { // no waiter
                   <- struct{}{}
                        } else { // there're waiters
                            candidate := rlist.head
                            if rlist.head == rlist.tail {
                                rlist.head = nil
                                rlist.tail = nil
                            } else {
                                rlist.head =
                   <- struct{}{}
                   <- struct{}{}
                    } else {
                        panic("AppLock: inconsistent lock state")


func main() {
        app := "APP"
        appLock := NewAppLock()
        c := make(chan bool)

        for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
            go func(l *AppLock, loops int, cdone chan bool) {
                for i := 0; i < loops; i++ {
                cdone <- true
            }(appLock, 1, c)

        for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {




type AppLock struct {
    lockCh   chan receiver
    unlockCh chan receiver

    // Consider lock x:
    // if map[x] doesn't exist, x is unlocked
    // if map[x] exist but head is nil, x is locked but no waiter
    // if map[x] exist and head isn't nil, x is locked and there're waiters
    m map[string]receiveList

最初,我认为 receiveList 中的 headtail 都是指针,所以我们总是可以对同一个 waiters-list 进行操作,即使receiveList 不是指针类型。 (显然是错的)

的确,如果我们只从headtail 读取数据,而不使用receiveList 的Pointer 类型也是可以的。但是,我确实在 lockRoutine 中写入它们,它正在写入它们的副本。这就是问题所在。

关于multithreading - 为什么基于 channel 的 Lock block ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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