python - 有没有一种简洁的方法来获取 python 类中定义的所有描述?

标签 python properties descriptor


class Descriptor(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._name = ''

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        print "Getting: %s" % self._name
        return self._name

    def __set__(self, instance, name):
        print "Setting: %s" % name
        self._name = name.title()

    def __delete__(self, instance):
        print "Deleting: %s" %self._name
        del self._name

class ContrivedExample(object):
   Name = Descriptor()
   Date = Descriptor()

如何从类外部发现 ContrivedExample.Name 和 ContrivedExample.Date 存在?


您可以遍历类的 __dict__ 属性,该属性存储类中所有已定义的名称,并检查每个名称的值的类型。

descriptors = [m for m,v in ContrivedExample.__dict__.iteritems()
               if isinstance(v, Descriptor)]

# descriptors is set to ['Name', 'Date']

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