python - docker : "Unknown instruction: VIRTUALENV'

标签 python docker boot2docker


FROM ubuntu:14.04.2

RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get upgrade -y
RUN apt-get install python build-essential python-dev python-pip python-setuptools -y
RUN apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev -y
RUN apt-get install libpq-dev postgresql-common postgresql-client -y
RUN apt-get install openssl openssl-blacklist openssl-blacklist-extra -y
RUN apt-get install nginx -y
RUN pip install virtualenv uwsgi

ADD canonicaliser_api ~
virtualenv ~/canonicaliser_api/venv
source ~/canonicaliser_api/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ~/canonicaliser_api/requirements.txt

RUN echo "daemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

CMD service nginx start


Successfully installed virtualenv uwsgi
Cleaning up...
 ---> 0c141e23f725
Removing intermediate container d9fd3c20365d
Step 8 : ADD canonicaliser_api ~
 ---> 89b4fb40dba5
Removing intermediate container b0c1ad946fc4
Unknown instruction: VIRTUALENV

它应该移除那些容器吗? 为什么它没有看到 virtualenv


is it supposed to remove those containers?

是的。如果您出于某种原因想要保留它们,请将 --rm=false 传递给 docker build 命令。

Why isn't it seeing virtualenv?

它看到了,但是因为它在一行的开头,所以它把它当作 Dockerfile 指令,但是没有“VIRTUALENV”指令。据推测,您打算在 ADD 之后的每一行之前放置 RUN:

ADD canonicaliser_api ~
RUN virtualenv ~/canonicaliser_api/venv

# This one needs to be a single RUN so the "source" will affect pip.
RUN source ~/canonicaliser_api/venv/bin/activate && \
        pip install -r ~/canonicaliser_api/requirements.txt

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