c++ - 从不同类 C++ 访问数组

标签 c++

我正在为学校开发一款名为 LCR 的骰子游戏。我终于得到了要编译的程序,并且我已经制定了游戏例程。我现在坚持从我的 Player 类访问 main 中的数组。特别是 Player::setChips。我可能应该使用指针,但我在那个领域非常粗糙,任何输入都可能很棒。该函数调用正常,输出有效,但我注释掉的行显然不起作用,但给出了我想做什么的想法。谢谢。

这是我在 LCR Game.cpp 中的代码:

    int main()

    // Display Game Rules

    // Get # of Players
    int currentPlayer = 0;

    const int numPlayers = setPlayers(); //set number of players

    static Player* players = new Player[numPlayers]; //set up array 

    for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) //set names and chips for each player
        cout << endl << "Enter player number " << (i + 1) << "'s name: " << endl;

        players[i].chips = 3;

    // start game

    cout << endl << "OK Let's play!" << endl;

    while (winner == false) {

        for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++) {
            // check if player has chips. if not ++i and skip turn
            if (players[i].chips == 0) {
                cout << endl << "Sorry " << players[i].name << " you have no chips, you must skip this turn" << endl;
            cout << endl << players[i].name << " You have " << players[i].chips << " chips " << " press enter to roll the dice" << endl;
            std::cin.ignore();         //wait for keypress
            for (int j = 0; j < players[i].chips || j < 3; j++) {  // player rolls dice up to 3 times or max chips

                Player::setChips();  // call setChips. roll dice & move chips 

                cout << players[i].chips;
                // check for winner after each diceroll
                totalChips = 0;                          // reset chip counter
                for (int k = 0; k < numPlayers; k++) {   //add all chips on table
                    totalChips = totalChips + players[i].chips;

                // check for winner                 

                if (totalChips - players[i].chips == 0) {
                    cout << endl << "Congratulations " << players[i].name << " you win " << players[i].chips << " chips!";
                    winner = true;
                    return 0;


    return 0;

以及来自 Player.cpp 的 Player::setChips 拷贝

void Player::setChips()

switch (Dice::rollDice()) // roll the dice
case 1:

    cout << endl << "You rolled <L> "; // subtract 1 chip from player and add one to left 


    //if (i = numPlayers) {
    //  ++players[1].chips;
    //  }

case 2:  
    cout << endl << "You rolled <C> "; // subtract 1 chip from player

case 3:  
    cout << endl << "You rolled <R> "; //subrtact 1 chip from player and give to right
    //if (i = 1) {
    //  ++players[numPlayers].chips;


case 4: 
    cout << endl << "You rolled <*> ";
    break; //do nothing

case 5: 
    cout << endl << "You rolled <*> ";
    break; // do nothing

case 6: 
    cout << endl << "You rolled <*> ";
    break; //do nothing



a nonstatic member reference must be relative to a specific object

你的错误是因为函数setChipschips 时是静态的不是。

如果你希望你的函数是static , 你需要制作 chips也是静态的。此外,在 .cpp 的顶部,您需要定义 unsigned Players::chips;那么你可以使用 ++chips在你的里面 Player类函数。

如果你不需要你的函数是static , 只需删除 static从你的功能,你仍然可以使用 ++chips在你的里面 Player类功能很好。

关于c++ - 从不同类 C++ 访问数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50979422/


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