c++ - 如何将多个纹理应用于立方体的 VBO?

标签 c++ opengl textures vbo

我是 VBO 的新手,阅读了一些关于创建和使用 VBO 的文章。我正在开发一个应用程序,我想在其中创建十几个旋转立方体。我连接到一个服务器,该服务器将文本消息推送到我的应用程序。当我收到 6 条短信时,我使用 Pango 和 Cairo 呈现这些消息。然后我想从这 6 个渲染消息创建纹理并将它们应用到一个新的立方体。

虽然我通常只使用 2D 纹理并将它们应用到 GL_QUAD,但我不确定如何将 6 种纹理应用到使用 VBO 创建的立方体?

我找到了一个关于如何使用 VBO 创建多维数据集的示例。这些创建如下:


//    v6----- v5
//   /|      /|
//  v1------v0|
//  | |     | |
//  | |v7---|-|v4
//  |/      |/
//  v2------v3

GLfloat vertices[] = {1,1,1,  -1,1,1,  -1,-1,1,  1,-1,1,        // v0-v1-v2-v3
                          1,1,1,  1,-1,1,  1,-1,-1,  1,1,-1,        // v0-v3-v4-v5
                          1,1,1,  1,1,-1,  -1,1,-1,  -1,1,1,        // v0-v5-v6-v1
                          -1,1,1,  -1,1,-1,  -1,-1,-1,  -1,-1,1,    // v1-v6-v7-v2
                          -1,-1,-1,  1,-1,-1,  1,-1,1,  -1,-1,1,    // v7-v4-v3-v2
                          1,-1,-1,  -1,-1,-1,  -1,1,-1,  1,1,-1};   // v4-v7-v6-v5

    // normal array
    GLfloat normals[] = {0,0,1,  0,0,1,  0,0,1,  0,0,1,             // v0-v1-v2-v3
                         1,0,0,  1,0,0,  1,0,0, 1,0,0,              // v0-v3-v4-v5
                         0,1,0,  0,1,0,  0,1,0, 0,1,0,              // v0-v5-v6-v1
                         -1,0,0,  -1,0,0, -1,0,0,  -1,0,0,          // v1-v6-v7-v2
                         0,-1,0,  0,-1,0,  0,-1,0,  0,-1,0,         // v7-v4-v3-v2
                         0,0,-1,  0,0,-1,  0,0,-1,  0,0,-1};        // v4-v7-v6-v5

    // color array
    GLfloat colors[] = {1,1,1,  1,1,0,  1,0,0,  1,0,1,              // v0-v1-v2-v3
                        1,1,1,  1,0,1,  0,0,1,  0,1,1,              // v0-v3-v4-v5
                        1,1,1,  0,1,1,  0,1,0,  1,1,0,              // v0-v5-v6-v1
                        1,1,0,  0,1,0,  0,0,0,  1,0,0,              // v1-v6-v7-v2
                        0,0,0,  0,0,1,  1,0,1,  1,0,0,              // v7-v4-v3-v2
                        0,0,1,  0,0,0,  0,1,0,  0,1,1};             // v4-v7-v6-v5

    glGenBuffersARB(1, &vbo_id);
    glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vbo_id);

    glBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0, sizeof(vertices), vertices);
    glBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sizeof(vertices), sizeof(normals),normals);
    glBufferSubDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sizeof(vertices)+sizeof(normals), sizeof(colors), colors);  // copy colours after normals
    s_vertices = sizeof(vertices);
    s_colors = sizeof(colors);
    s_normals = sizeof(colors);

    cube = new Cube(vbo_id, ofxVec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),0.1, s_vertices, s_colors, s_normals);

使用 VBO 的 Cube 类

#include "Cube.h"
    GLuint nVBO
    ,ofxVec3f oPosition
    ,float fSize
    ,int nVertices
    ,int nNormals
    ,int nColors
r = 0;

void Cube::update() {

void Cube::draw() {

        glScalef(size, size, size);

        // bind VBOs with IDs and set the buffer offsets of the bound VBOs
        // When buffer object is bound with its ID, all pointers in gl*Pointer()
        // are treated as offset instead of real pointer.
        glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, vbo_id);

        // enable vertex arrays

        // before draw, specify vertex and index arrays with their offsets
        glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, (void*)s_vertices);
        glColorPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, (void*)(s_vertices+s_normals));
        glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0);

        glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 24);

        glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);  // disable vertex arrays

        // it is good idea to release VBOs with ID 0 after use.
        // Once bound with 0, all pointers in gl*Pointer() behave as real
        // pointer, so, normal vertex array operations are re-activated
        glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0);



Though I normally just use a 2D texture and apply these to a GL_QUAD, I'm not sure how I can apply 6 textures to a cube which is created using VBOs?


或者,由于立方体非常简单,显示列表而不是 VBO 可能就足够了。

关于c++ - 如何将多个纹理应用于立方体的 VBO?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3173132/


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