
标签 c algorithm



1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1

最大的多边形是一个 4x4 的正方形。为此:

0 0 1 1 1 
0 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1  


如何确定最大可能? (最大的意味着不能被任何其他多边形包围)我应该使用什么样的算法?

它们还需要其他属性,如面积、周长、凸面 (t/f) 和不变旋转数...


Call encoding any 2-dimensional array of size between between 2x2 and 50x50 (both dimensions can be different), all of whose elements are either 0 or 1. Call neighbour of a member m of an encoding any of the at most eight members of the array whose value is 1, and each of both indexes differs from m's corresponding index by at most 1. Given a particular encoding, we inductively determine for all natural numbers d the set of polygons of depth d (for this encoding) as follows:

Let a natural number d be given, and suppose that for all d0 < d, the set of polygons of depth d0 has been determined. Change in the encoding all 1's that determine those polygons to 0. Then the set of polygons of depth d is determined as the set of polygons which can be obtained from that encoding by connecting 1's with some of their neighbours in such a way that we obtain a maximal polygon (that is, a polygon which is not included in any other polygon obtained from that encoding by connecting 1's with some of their neighbours).




凸包可能是你想要的。凸包通常被描述为好像 2D 空间中的点都是钉板上的钉子。钉子外侧的橡皮筋形状就是凸包。


此外,缩小(或增大)1 并将其替换为 0 的操作听起来像是形态学上的“腐 eclipse ”操作。


关于C算法确定点阵中最大的多边形,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19203394/


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