algorithm - 为什么骑士不覆盖所有的 table ?

标签 algorithm haskell

我希望马从 (1,1) 开始并尝试在整个 table 上移动。这是我的代码:

canMove :: (Int  -> Int) -> (Int  -> Int) -> [(Int,Int)] -> Bool

canMove (x) (y) list 
        | (x (fst lastMove),y (snd lastMove)) `elem` list = False
        | newX> 8 || newY> 8 || newX<=0 || newY<=0 = False
        | otherwise = True
        where lastMove = last list
              newX = x (fst lastMove)
              newY = y (snd lastMove)

move :: [(Int, Int)] -> [( Int, Int)]
move list 
  | length list == 64 = list
  | canMove (+1) (+2) list = move (list ++ [(x+1,y+2)])
  | canMove (+2) (+1) list = move (list ++ [(x+2,y+1)])
  | canMove (subtract 1) (+2) list = move (list ++ [(x-1,y+2)])
  | canMove (subtract 2) (+1) list = move (list ++ [(x-2,y+1)])
  | canMove (subtract 1) (subtract 2) list = move (list ++ [(x-1,y-2)])
  | canMove (subtract 2) (subtract  1) list = move (list ++ [(x-2,y-1)])
  | canMove (+1) (subtract 2) list = move (list ++ [(x+1,y-2)])
  | canMove (+2) (subtract 1) list = move (list ++ [(x+2,y-1)])
  | otherwise = list
   where lastMove = last list
         x = fst lastMove
         y = snd lastMove

y=length (move [(1,1)])

main = print $ y

为什么骑士在 34 步后停下来?


我假设您正在尝试解决 knight's tour Haskell 中的问题。在那种情况下,您的问题是您使用的是贪婪算法,该算法对于骑士的巡回赛问题是失败的。如果从 y 函数中删除 length,您可以看到算法选择的路径。

-- From (1,8), we can go to either (4,6) or (3,5).
-- But we've already been to both of those positions.

简而言之,您的骑士在某个时刻进行了“错误的”转弯,并将自己卡在一个位置,如果不重复一个位置就无法脱身。为了避免这种情况,您需要使用某种回溯算法,这样当骑士犯了这样的错误时,它可以撤消其 Action 并尝试其他方法。幸运的是,Haskell 使用 List monad 使这变得相对容易。如果您不熟悉 monad,它们是 Haskell 不可或缺的一部分,您可以了解它们 here .

关于algorithm - 为什么骑士不覆盖所有的 table ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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