algorithm - 在 HTML DOM 文档中搜索元素的自顶向下或自底向上方法?

标签 algorithm design-patterns dom xpath

假设我正在使用递归循环来弹性发现和定位 DOM 元素,这些元素将在网站的半结构化和半统一 HTML DOM 文档中工作。

例如,当抓取网站上的链接并发现它的 xpath 位置有细微变化时。需要弹性以允许灵活的不间断爬行。

1) I know that I want a link which is located on a certain region of the page distinguishable from the rest (ex. menu's footer, header etc.)

2) It's distinguishable since it appears to be inside a table and pargraph or container.

3) There can be an acceptable level of unexpected parents or children before this desired link mentioned in 1) but I don't know what. More unexpected elements would mean departure from 1).

4) Identifying via element's id and class or any other unique attribute value is not desired.

我认为下面的 xpath 应该总结:


在某些页面上 xpath 有变化,但它仍然符合 1) 所需链接



(我应该使用复数还是单数? child 与 child 。 parent 与 parent 。我认为单数是有意义的,因为这里关注的是直接 parent 或 child 。)


how many p's are there ?
 how many these p's have table as child ? If none, search next sub level. 
   how many these table's have tr as child ? If none, search next sub level.
     how many these tr have td as child ? If none, search next sub level.
      how many these td have a as child ? 


how many a's are there ?
 how many of these a's have td as parent ? If none, look up to the next super level.
  how many of these td have tr as parent ? If none, look up to the next super level.
   how many of these tr have table as parent ? If none, look up to the next super level.
    how many of these table have p as a parent ? If none, look up to the next super level.

自上而下还是自下而上重要吗?我觉得自上而下是没有用的,效率低下,如果在循环结束时找不到想要的 anchor 链接。

我想我还会测量在循环的每次迭代中发现了多少意想不到的 parent 或 child ,并将与我熟悉的预设常量进行比较 ex) 说不超过 2。如果有 3 个或更多意想不到的在发现我想要的 anchor 链接之前 parent 或 child 迭代,我会假设这不是我要找的东西。





如果您对路径中的中间元素数量有限制,比如说不超过 2 个,那么上面的内容将修改为:

      //table[ancestor::*[1][self::p] or ancestor::*[2][self::p]]
               /tr/td//a[ancestor::*[1][self::td] or ancestor::*[2][self::td]]

这将选择所有 a 元素,其父元素或祖父元素为 td,其父元素为 tr,其父元素为 table,其父或祖 parent 是 p,其祖先元素少于 3 个。

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