
标签 algorithm sorting


在通常情况下,对包含约 1000 个简单项(如整数或 float )的数组进行排序已经足够快,因此实现之间的微小差异并不重要。

但是,如果您需要对由某些类似过程生成的 N 个中等大小的数组进行排序,或者只是具有某种相关性,该怎么办?




这是一篇关于 self improving sorting algorithm 的论文.我非常擅长算法和机器学习,但这篇论文对我来说绝对不是一本容易读的书。


We investigate ways in which an algorithm can improve its expected performance by fine-tuning itself automatically with respect to an arbitrary, unknown input distribution. We give such self-improving algorithms for sorting and clustering. The highlights of this work: a sorting algorithm with optimal expected limiting running time ... In all cases, the algorithm begins with a learning phase during which it adjusts itself to the input distribution (typically in a logarithmic number of rounds), followed by a stationary regime in which the algorithm settles to its optimized incarnation.

关于对具有潜在相似特征的许多数组进行排序的算法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22490030/


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php - SQL中通过比较方法排序

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