python - NumPy IFFT 在 OaA 卷积算法中引入黑条

标签 python algorithm numpy convolution

我在诊断和修复此错误时遇到问题。我正在尝试编写 OaA 算法,描述 in this paper .

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Quick implementation of several convolution algorithms to compare times 

import numpy as np
import _kernel
from tqdm import trange, tqdm
from PIL import Image
from scipy.misc import imsave
from time import time, sleep

class convolve(object):
    """ contains methods to convolve two images """
    def __init__(self, image_array, kernel, back_same_size=True):
        self.array = image_array
        self.kernel = kernel

        # Store these values as they will be accessed a _lot_
        self.__rangeX_ = self.array.shape[0]
        self.__rangeY_ = self.array.shape[1]
        self.__rangeKX_ = self.kernel.shape[0]
        self.__rangeKY_ = self.kernel.shape[1]

        # Ensure the kernel is suitable to convolve the image
        if (self.__rangeKX_ >= self.__rangeX_ or \
            self.__rangeKY_ >= self.__rangeY_):
            raise ValueError('Must submit suitably-sized arrays')

        if (back_same_size):
            # pad array for convolution
            self.__offsetX_ = self.__rangeKX_ // 2
            self.__offsetY_ = self.__rangeKY_ // 2
            self.array = np.lib.pad(self.array,      \
                [(self.__offsetY_, self.__offsetY_), \
                 (self.__offsetX_, self.__offsetX_)],\
                 mode='constant', constant_values=0)

            # Update these
            self.__rangeX_ = self.array.shape[0]
            self.__rangeY_ = self.array.shape[1]
            self.__offsetX_ = 0
            self.__offsetY_ = 0

        # to be returned instead of the originals
        self.__arr_ = np.zeros([self.__rangeX_, self.__rangeY_])\

    def spaceConv(self):
        """ normal convolution, O(N^2*n^2). This is usually too slow """

        # this is the O(N^2) part of this algorithm
        for i in trange(self.__rangeX_):
            for j in xrange(self.__rangeY_):
                # Now the O(n^2) portion
                total = 0.0
                for k in xrange(self.__rangeKX_):
                    for t in xrange(self.__rangeKY_):
                        total += \
                  self.kernel[k][t] * self.array[i+k][j+t]

                # Update entry in self.__arr_, which is to be returned
                self.__arr_[i][j] = total

        return self.__arr_[self.__offsetX_\
                           :self.__rangeX_ - self.__offsetX_,\
                           :self.__rangeY_ - self.__offsetY_]

    def spaceConvDot(self):
        """ Exactly the same as the former method """

        def dot(ind, jnd):
            """ perform a simple 'dot product' between the 2 
            dimensional image subsets. """
            total = 0.0

            # This is the O(n^2) part of the algorithm
            for k in xrange(self.__rangeKX_):
                for t in xrange(self.__rangeKY_):
                    total += \
              self.kernel[k][t] * self.array[k + ind, t + jnd]
            return total
        # this is the O(N^2) part of the algorithm
        for i in trange(self.__rangeX_):
            for j in xrange(self.__rangeY_):
                self.__arr_[i][j] = dot(i, j)
        return self.__arr_[self.__offsetX_\
                           :self.__rangeX_ - self.__offsetX_,\
                           :self.__rangeY_ - self.__offsetY_]

    def OAconv(self):
        """ faster convolution algorithm, O(N^2*log(n)). """
        from numpy.fft import fft2 as FFT, ifft2 as iFFT

        # solve for the total padding along each axis
        diffX = (self.__rangeKX_ - self.__rangeX_ +  \
                 self.__rangeKX_ * (self.__rangeX_ //\
                 self.__rangeKX_)) % self.__rangeKX_
        diffY = (self.__rangeKY_ - self.__rangeY_ +  \
                 self.__rangeKY_ * (self.__rangeY_ //\
                 self.__rangeKY_)) % self.__rangeKY_

        # padding on each side, i.e. left, right, top and bottom; 
        # centered as well as possible
        right = diffX // 2
        left = diffX - right
        bottom = diffY // 2
        top = diffY - bottom

        # pad the array
        self.array = np.lib.pad(self.array,                 \
                            ((left, right), (top, bottom)), \
                           mode='constant', constant_values=0)

        divX = self.array.shape[0] / float(self.__rangeKX_)
        divY = self.array.shape[1] / float(self.__rangeKY_)

        # Let's just make sure...
        if not (divX % 1.0 == 0.0 or divY % 1.0 == 0.0):
            raise ValueError('Image not partitionable (?)')
            divX = int(divX)
            divY = int(divY)

        # a list of tuples to partition the array by
        subsets = [(i*self.__rangeKX_, (i + 1)*self.__rangeKX_,\
                    j*self.__rangeKY_, (j + 1)*self.__rangeKY_)\
                        for i in xrange(divX)                  \
                        for j in xrange(divY)]

        # padding for individual blocks in the subsets list
        padX = self.__rangeKX_ // 2
        padY = self.__rangeKY_ // 2

        self.__arr_ = np.lib.pad(self.__arr_,              \
                            ((left + padX, right + padX),  \
                             (top + padY, bottom + padY)), \
                           mode='constant', constant_values=0)

        kernel = np.pad(self.kernel,                  \
                        [(padY, padY), (padX, padX)], \
                      mode='constant', constant_values=0)

        # We only need to do this once
        trans_kernel = FFT(kernel)

        # transform each partition and OA on conv_image
        for tup in tqdm(subsets):
            # slice and pad the array subset
            subset = self.array[tup[0]:tup[1], tup[2]:tup[3]]

            subset = np.lib.pad(subset,      \
                [(padY, padY), (padX, padX)],\
                mode='constant', constant_values=0)

            trans_subset = FFT(subset)

            # multiply the two arrays entrywise
            subset = trans_kernel * trans_subset
            space = iFFT(subset).real

            # overlap with indices and add them together
            self.__arr_[tup[0]:tup[1] + 2 * padX, \
                        tup[2]:tup[3] + 2 * padY] += space

        # crop image and get it back, convolved
        return self.__arr_[self.__offsetX_ + padX + left   \
                           :padX + left + self.__rangeX_   \
                              - self.__offsetX_,           \
                           self.__offsetY_ + padY + bottom \
                           :padY + bottom + self.__rangeY_ \
                              - self.__offsetY_]

    def OSconv(self):
        """ Convolve an image using OS """
        from numpy.fft import fft2 as FFT, ifft2 as iFFT

    def builtin(self):
        """ Convolves using SciPy's convolution function - extremely
        fast """
        from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve
        return convolve(self.array, self.kernel)

if __name__ == '__main__':
        import pyplot as plt
    except ImportError:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    image = np.array('spider.jpg'))

    image = np.rot90(np.rot90(np.rot90(image.T[0])))

    times = []

    #for i in range(3, 21, 2):
    kern = _kernel.Kernel()
    kern = kern.Kg2(11, 11, sigma=2.5, muX=0.0, muY=0.0)
    kern /= np.sum(kern)        # normalize volume

    conv = convolve(image, kern)
    #    # Time the result of increasing kernel size
    #    _start = time()
    convolved = conv.OAconv()
    #convolved = conv.builtin()
    #    _end = time()
    #    times.append(_end - _start)

    #x = np.array(range(3, 21, 2))
    #plt.plot(range(3, 21, 2), times)
    #plt.title('Kernel Size vs. spaceConv time', fontsize=12)
    #plt.xlabel('Kernel Size (px)', fontsize=12)
    #plt.ylabel('Time (s)', fontsize=12)
    #plt.xticks(x, x)

    #conv = convolve(image[:2*kern.shape[0],:5*kern.shape[1]], kern)

    plt.imshow(convolved, interpolation='none', cmap='gray')
    #imsave('spider2', convolved, format='png')


enter image description here


[[ 0.          0.02390753  0.03476507  0.02390753  0.        ]
 [ 0.02390753  0.06241541  0.07990366  0.06241541  0.02390753]
 [ 0.03476507  0.07990366  0.10040324  0.07990366  0.03476507]
 [ 0.02390753  0.06241541  0.07990366  0.06241541  0.02390753]
 [ 0.          0.02390753  0.03476507  0.02390753  0.        ]]

我相信我已经将问题缩小到乘法和 IFFT

space = np.real(IFFT(transformed_kernel*transformed_subset))


space = np.real(IFFT(transformed_subset))




space = np.real(IFFT(transformed_kernel))


enter image description here




wrong kernel

但事实并非如此 - 还涉及到移位 (11, 11),当您查看卷积结果时,这一点会变得很明显。你的内核的中心应该在 (0,0) 并且(因为模数)你的内核应该是这样的:

right kernel

所以我稍微修改了你的代码(抱歉从来没有用过这么多 np,但我希望你 可以得到要点):

 ... your code ...
 kernel = np.pad(self.kernel,                  \
                        [(padY, padY), (padX, padX)], \
                      mode='constant', constant_values=0)
 #Move the kernel center to the origin:                   
 new_kernel=np.full_like(kernel, 0)
 for x in xrange(X):
     for y in xrange(Y):

  # We only need to do this once          
  trans_kernel = FFT(new_kernel)# take the transform of the shifted kernel
  .... your code ......




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