python - Tic Tac Toe Python 的 Minimax 算法

标签 python algorithm minimax

我有点理解 minimax 算法如何用于 Tic Tac Toe python,但我不知道如何在 Python 中实际编写它......这就是我目前所知道的:

from copy import deepcopy

class TicTacToeBrain :

    def __init__(self, player = "x") :
        self._squares = {}
        self._copySquares = {}
        self._winningCombos = (
        [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8],
        [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8],
        [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6])

    def createBoard(self) :
        for i in range(9) :
            self._squares[i] = None

    def showBoard(self) :
        print(self._squares[0], self._squares[1], self._squares[2])
        print(self._squares[3], self._squares[4], self._squares[5])
        print(self._squares[6], self._squares[7], self._squares[8])

    def getAvailableMoves(self) :
        self._availableMoves = []
        for i in range(9) :
            if self._squares[i] == None :
        return self._availableMoves

    def makeMove(self, position, player) :
        self._squares[position] = player

    def complete(self) :
        if None not in self._squares.values() :
            return True
        if self.getWinner() != None :
            return True
        return False

    def getWinner(self) :
        for player in ("x", "o") :
            for combos in self._winningCombos :
                if self._squares[combos[0]] == player and self._squares[combos[1]] == player and self._squares[combos[2]] == player :
                    return player
        if None not in self._squares.values() :
            return "tie"
        return None

    def getEnemyPlayer(self, player) :
        if player == "x" :
            return "o"
        return "x"

    def minimax(self, node, player, depth = 0, first = True) :
        if first :
            best = 0
            self._copySquares = deepcopy(self._squares)

        if node.complete() :
            if node.getWinner() == "x" :
                self._squares = self._copySquares
                return -1 - depth
            elif node.getWinner() == "tie" :
                self._squares = self._copySquares
                return 0
            elif node.getWinner() == "o" :
                self._squares = self._copySquares
                return 1 + depth
            best = None
        for move in node.getAvailableMoves() :
            depth += 1
            node.makeMove(move, player)
            val = self.minimax(node, node.getEnemyPlayer(player), depth, first = False)
            if player == "o" :
                if val > best :
                    best = val
            else :
                if val < best :
                    best = val
            return best

    def printCopy(self) :




  • 执行在第一次迭代时以 return 跳出 for 循环:这是不成熟的,因为您永远无法测试任何其他可用的 Action 。 return 应该在循环之后发生。

  • for 循环的每次迭代中递增深度值是错误的。相反,将 depth+1 传递给递归调用,这样当您从那里返回时,您将在相同的深度继续。

  • 在递归调用之前完成的移动必须在它之后立即收回,否则 for 循环的下一次迭代将不会从同一位置开始。

  • best 的值需要在每次 minimax 方法调用时初始化,而不仅仅是在递归树的顶部。这个初始值不应该为0,因为对当前用户来说最好的值可能比0还差。所以你需要将它初始化为一个极差的值。

  • minimax 方法不返回最佳着法,只返回评估值。由于该方法的全部目的是告诉您应该下哪一步,因此您需要两者。因此,让该方法返回一个包含两个值的元组:评估值和生成该值的移动。


  • 因为您想延迟不可避免的损失,或加快被迫获胜的速度,所以计算玩家获胜时的值(value)的公式应该越远越接近 0,而不是越近。因此,该公式需要进行更改。

  • 由于您应该通过后退移动来恢复棋盘,因此无需使用重复的棋盘和重复的方 block 。如果一切都很好地编码,在 minimax 方法的顶部调用完成后,板应该处于与调用之前完全相同的状态。

  • 当您不对空方 block 使用 None 而是单个字符(如“.”)时,电路板的打印效果会更好。因此,在您引用空方 block 值的任何地方,都放置该字符。

  • 为了分隔输出,您到处都有 print()。将一个放在方法 showBoard 中,其余代码无需它们即可。

  • 考虑到以上几点,minimax 方法不需要nodefirst 参数。


# *** not needed:
# from copy import deepcopy

class TicTacToeBrain :

    def __init__(self, player = "x") :
        self._squares = {}
        self._copySquares = {}
        self._winningCombos = (
        [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8],
        [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8],
        [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6])

    def createBoard(self) :
        for i in range(9) :
            # *** use a single character, ... easier to print
            self._squares[i] = "."

    def showBoard(self) :
        # *** add empty line here, instead of in minimax
        print ()
        print(self._squares[0], self._squares[1], self._squares[2])
        print(self._squares[3], self._squares[4], self._squares[5])
        print(self._squares[6], self._squares[7], self._squares[8])

    def getAvailableMoves(self) :
        self._availableMoves = []
        for i in range(9) :
            # *** see above
            if self._squares[i] == "." :
        return self._availableMoves

    def makeMove(self, position, player) :
        self._squares[position] = player

    def complete(self) :
        # *** see above
        if "." not in self._squares.values() :
            return True
        if self.getWinner() != None :
            return True
        return False

    def getWinner(self) :
        for player in ("x", "o") :
            for combos in self._winningCombos :
                if self._squares[combos[0]] == player and self._squares[combos[1]] == player and self._squares[combos[2]] == player :
                    return player
        # *** see above
        if "." not in self._squares.values() :
            return "tie"
        return None

    def getEnemyPlayer(self, player) :
        if player == "x" :
            return "o"
        return "x"

    # *** no need for `node` argument, nor `first`
    # *** use `self` instead of `node` in all this method
    def minimax(self, player, depth = 0) :
        # *** not needed
        # if first :
            # best = 0
            # *** not needed
            # self._copySquares = deepcopy(self._squares)
        # *** always start with initilisation of `best`, but with worst possible value
        #     for this player
        if player == "o": 
            best = -10
            best = 10
        if self.complete() :
            if self.getWinner() == "x" :
                # *** don't do this, you may still need the position to try other moves 
                # self._squares = self._copySquares
                # *** value should be closer to zero for greater depth!
                # *** expect tuple return value
                return -10 + depth, None
            elif self.getWinner() == "tie" :
                # self._squares = self._copySquares
                # *** expect tuple return value
                return 0, None
            elif self.getWinner() == "o" :
                # self._squares = self._copySquares
                # *** value should be closer to zero for greater depth!
                # *** expect tuple return value
                return 10 - depth, None
            # *** Execution can never get here
            # best = None
        for move in self.getAvailableMoves() :
            # *** don't increase depth in each iteration, instead pass depth+1 to
            #    the recursive call
            # depth += 1
            self.makeMove(move, player)
            # *** pass depth+1, no need for passing `node` nor `first`.
            # *** expect tuple return value
            val, _ = self.minimax(self.getEnemyPlayer(player), depth+1)
            # *** undo last move
            self.makeMove(move, ".")
            if player == "o" :
                if val > best :
                    # *** Also keep track of the actual move
                    best, bestMove = val, move
            else :
                if val < best :
                    # *** Also keep track of the actual move
                    best, bestMove = val, move
            # *** don't interrupt the loop here!
            # return best
            # *** this is dead code:
            # print()
            # print()
        # *** Also keep track of the actual move
        return best, bestMove

    def printCopy(self) :


game = TicTacToeBrain()
game.makeMove(4, "o")
game.makeMove(3, "x")
val, bestMove = game.minimax("o")
print('best move', bestMove) # --> 0 is a winning move.

查看它在 上运行...等等。



  • self.player 中记录轮到谁了。这样你就不必将玩家作为参数传递给 minimax,这样可以避免错误。它还使构造函数参数变得有用——目前您不需要对它做任何事情。

  • 添加一个方法bestMove,它将简单地调用minimax,但返回最佳着法,而不是值。这将更易于管理。

  • 使用 alpha-beta 剪枝,以便在很明显您无法提高递归树中已经达到的值时停止评估其他 Action 。

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