为 5 张扑克牌赋值的算法

标签 algorithm poker

我正在开发一个扑克游戏作为大学项目,我们目前的任务是编写一个算法来计算一手 5 张牌,以便可以相互比较两手的分数以确定哪一手牌更好。手牌的分数与随机牌等抽牌时可能形成什么牌的概率无关。 - 手牌的分数仅基于手牌中的 5 张牌,而不是其他牌在甲板上。

我们得到的示例解决方案是为每种类型的扑克牌给出一个默认分数,该分数反射(reflect)了这手牌的好坏 - 例如:

ROYAL_FLUSH = 900000
TWO_PAIR = 200000
ONE_PAR = 100000



HAND_TYPE + (each card value in the hand)^(the number of occurences of that value)

因此,对于三个 Q 和两个 7 的满堂彩,得分为:

600000 + 12^3 + 7^2


hand1 = 4C, 6C, 6H, JS, KC
hand2 = 3H, 4H, 7C, 7D, 8H


100000 + 4^1 + 6^2 + 11^1 + 13^1 = 100064
100000 + 3^1 + 4^1 + 7^2 + 8^1 = 100064

这导致平局,显然一对 7 胜过一对 6。



[2H, 6D, 10C, KS, AS]



     * Sorts cards by putting the "most important" cards first, and the rest in decreasing order.
     * e.g. High Hand:  KS, 9S, 8C, 4D, 2H
     *      One Pair:   3S, 3D, AH, 7S, 2C
     *      Full House: 6D, 6C, 6S, JC, JH
     *      Flush:      KH, 9H, 7H, 6H, 3H
    private void sort() {
        Arrays.sort(hand, Collections.reverseOrder());      // Initially sorts cards in descending order of game value
        if (isFourOfAKind()) {                              // Then adjusts for hands where the "most important" cards
            sortFourOfAKind();                              // must come first
        } else if (isFullHouse()) {
        } else if (isThreeOfAKind()) {
        } else if (isTwoPair()) {
        } else if (isOnePair()){

    private void sortFourOfAKind() {
        if (hand[0].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 4].getGameValue()) {     // If the four of a kind are the last four cards
            swapCardsByIndex(0, HAND_SIZE - 1);                                 // swap the first and last cards
        }                                                                       // e.g. AS, 9D, 9H, 9S, 9C => 9C, 9D, 9H, 9S, AS

    private void sortFullHouse() {
        if (hand[0].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue()) {     // If the 3 of a kind cards are the last three
            swapCardsByIndex(0, HAND_SIZE - 2);                                 // swap cards 1 and 4, 2 and 5
            swapCardsByIndex(HAND_SIZE - 4, HAND_SIZE - 1);                     // e.g. 10D, 10C, 6H, 6S, 6D => 6S, 6D, 6H, 10D, 10C

    private void sortThreeOfAKind() {                                                                                                                               // If the 3 of a kind cards are the middle 3 cards
        if (hand[0].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue() && hand[HAND_SIZE - 1].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue()) {             // swap cards 1 and 4
            swapCardsByIndex(0, HAND_SIZE - 2);                                                                                                                     // e.g. AH, 8D, 8S, 8C, 7D => 8C, 8D, 8S, AH, 7D
        } else if (hand[0].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue() && hand[HAND_SIZE - 4].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue()) {
            Arrays.sort(hand);                                                                                                                                      // If the 3 of a kind cards are the last 3,
            swapCardsByIndex(HAND_SIZE - 1, HAND_SIZE - 2);                                                                                                         // reverse the order (smallest game value to largest)
        }                                                                                                                                                           // then swap the last two cards (maintain the large to small ordering)
    }                                                                                                                                                               // e.g. KS, 9D, 3C, 3S, 3H => 3H, 3S, 3C, 9D, KS => 3H, 3S, 3C, KS, 9D

    private void sortTwoPair() {                                                                                                                                    
        if (hand[0].getGameValue() != hand[HAND_SIZE - 4].getGameValue()) {                                                                                         // If the two pairs are the last 4 cards
            for (int i = 0; i < HAND_SIZE - 1; i++) {                                                                                                               // "bubble" the first card to the end
                swapCardsByIndex(i, i + 1);                                                                                                                         // e.g. AH, 7D, 7S, 6H, 6C => 7D, 7S, 6H, 6C, AH
        } else if (hand[0].getGameValue() == hand[HAND_SIZE - 4].getGameValue() && hand[HAND_SIZE - 2].getGameValue() == hand[HAND_SIZE - 1].getGameValue()) {      // If the two pairs are the first and last two cards
            swapCardsByIndex(HAND_SIZE - 3, HAND_SIZE - 1);                                                                                                         // swap the middle and last card
        }                                                                                                                                                           // e.g. JS, JC, 8D, 4H, 4S => JS, JC, 4S, 4H, 8D

    private void sortOnePair() {                                                                    // If the pair are cards 2 and 3, swap cards 1 and 3
        if (hand[HAND_SIZE - 4].getGameValue() == hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue()) {             // e.g QD, 8H, 8C, 6S, 4J => 8C, 8H, QD, 6S, 4J
            swapCardsByIndex(0, HAND_SIZE - 3);
        } else if (hand[HAND_SIZE - 3].getGameValue() == hand[HAND_SIZE - 2].getGameValue()) {      // If the pair are cards 3 and 4, swap 1 and 3, 2 and 4 
            swapCardsByIndex(0, HAND_SIZE - 3);                                                     // e.g. 10S, 8D, 4C, 4H, 2H => 4C, 4H, 10S, 8D, 2H
            swapCardsByIndex(HAND_SIZE - 4, HAND_SIZE - 2);
        } else if (hand[HAND_SIZE - 2].getGameValue() == hand[HAND_SIZE - 1].getGameValue()) {      // If the pair are the last 2 cards, reverse the order
            Arrays.sort(hand);                                                                      // and then swap cards 3 and 5
            swapCardsByIndex(HAND_SIZE - 3, HAND_SIZE - 1);                                         // e.g. 9H, 7D, 6C, 3D, 3S => 3S, 3D, 6C, 7D, 9H => 3S, 3D, 9H, 7D, 6C 

     * Swaps the two cards of the hand at the indexes taken as parameters
     * @param index1
     * @param index2
    private void swapCardsByIndex(int index1, int index2) {
        PlayingCard temp = hand[index1];
        hand[index1] = hand[index2];
        hand[index2] = temp;

     * Gives a unique value of any hand, based firstly on the type of hand, and then on the cards it contains
     * @return The Game Value of this hand
     * Firstly, a 24 bit binary string is created where the most significant 4 bits represent the value of the type of hand
     * (defined as constants private to this class), the last 20 bits represent the values of the 5 cards in the hand, where
     * the "most important" cards are at greater significant places. Finally, the binary string is converter to an integer.
    public int getGameValue() {
        String handValue = addPaddingToBinaryString(Integer.toBinaryString(getHandValue()));

        for (int i = 0; i < HAND_SIZE; i++) {
            handValue += addPaddingToBinaryString(Integer.toBinaryString(getCardValue(hand[i])));

        return Integer.parseInt(handValue, 2);

     * @param binary
     * @return the same binary string padded to 4 bits long
    private String addPaddingToBinaryString(String binary) {
        switch (binary.length()) {
        case 1: return "000" + binary;
        case 2: return "00" + binary;
        case 3: return "0" + binary;
        default: return binary;

     * @return Default value for the type of hand
    private int getHandValue() {
        if (isRoyalFlush())     { return ROYAL_FLUSH_VALUE; }       
        if (isStraightFlush())  { return STRAIGHT_FLUSH_VALUE; }
        if (isFourOfAKind())    { return FOUR_OF_A_KIND_VALUE; }
        if (isFullHouse())      { return FULL_HOUSE_VALUE; }
        if (isFlush())          { return FLUSH_VALUE; }     
        if (isStraight())       { return STRAIGHT_VALUE; }      
        if (isThreeOfAKind())   { return THREE_OF_A_KIND_VALUE; }
        if (isTwoPair())        { return TWO_PAIR_VALUE; }
        if (isOnePair())        { return ONE_PAIR_VALUE; }
        return 0;

     * @param card
     * @return the value for a given card type, used to calculate the Hand's Game Value
     * 2H = 0, 3D = 1, 4S = 2, ... , KC = 11, AH = 12
    private int getCardValue(PlayingCard card) {
        return card.getGameValue() - 2;


有 10 种公认的扑克手牌:

9 - Royal flush
8 - Straight flush (special case of royal flush, really)
7 - Four of a kind
6 - Full house
5 - Flush
4 - Straight
3 - Three of a kind
2 - Two pair
1 - Pair
0 - High card

如果不算花色,则只有 13 种可能的牌值。卡值是:

2 - 0
3 - 1
4 - 2
5 - 3
6 - 4
7 - 5
8 - 6
9 - 7
10 - 8
J - 9
Q - 10
K - 11
A - 12

手牌编码需要 4 位,纸牌编码也需要 4 位。您可以用 24 位编码一整只手。

皇家同花顺是 1001 1100 1011 1010 1001 1000 (0x9CBA98)

7 高顺子是 0100 0101 0100 0011 0010 0001 (0x454321)

两对,10s 和 5s(和一个 A)将是 0010 1000 1000 0011 0011 1100 (0x28833C)

我假设您有判断自己手牌的逻辑。在这方面,您可能已经编写了代码来按从左到右的顺序排列卡片。所以皇家同花顺将被安排为 [A,K,Q,J,10]。然后,您可以使用以下逻辑构造代表手的数字:

int handValue = HandType; (i.e. 0 for high card, 7 for Four of a kind, etc.)
for each card
    handValue = (handValue << 4) + cardValue  (i.e. 0 for 2, 9 for Jack, etc.)

结果将是每手牌的唯一值,并且您可以确定同花总是打败顺子,K 高葫芦总是打败 7 高葫芦,等等。


上述算法取决于对扑克牌进行归一化,最重要的牌优先。因此,例如,手牌 [K,A,10,J,Q](所有花色相同)是皇家同花顺。它被规范化为 [A,K,Q,J,10]。如果给你手 [10,Q,K,A,J],它也会被标准化为 [A,K,Q,J,10] . [7,4,3,2,4] 是一对 4。它将被规范化为 [4,4,7,3,2]

如果没有规范化,就很难为每一手牌创建一个唯一的整数值,并保证一对 4 总是会击败一对 3。


对于顺子、同花和大牌,您需要做的就是排序。对于其他人,您必须进行第二次排序,按分组进行排序。例如,满屋是 xxxyy,一对是 xxabc,(abc 按顺序),等等。不管怎样,这些工作基本上都是为你完成的。您所要做的就是将掉队者移到最后。

关于为 5 张扑克牌赋值的算法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42380183/


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