c++ - Windows .NET (C++) SpinWait 在 Linux 和 Mac OS X 上的等价物是什么?

标签 c++ linux macos spinwait

Windows .NET (C++) 通过 YIELD/PAUSE 指令为超线程友好的忙等待提供 SpinWait。 Linux 和 Mac OS X 上的等效功能是什么?如果系统调用不可用,如何在用户空间中实现等效项?

参见 Windows Thread::SpinWait

参见 Long Duration Spin-wait Loops on Hyper-Threading Technology Enabled Intel Processors用于讨论自旋等待的性能问题。


参见 https://www.codeproject.com/articles/184046/spin-lock-in-c通过 sameer_87

#include "SpinLock.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace LockFree;
using namespace std;

void tSpinWait::Lock(tSpinLock &LockObj)
    m_iterations = 0;
        // A thread alreading owning the lock shouldn't be allowed to wait to acquire the lock - reentrant safe
        if(LockObj.dest == GetCurrentThreadId())
          Spinning in a loop of interlockedxxx calls can reduce the available memory bandwidth and slow
          down the rest of the system. Interlocked calls are expensive in their use of the system memory
          bus. It is better to see if the 'dest' value is what it is expected and then retry interlockedxx.
        if(InterlockedCompareExchange(&LockObj.dest, LockObj.exchange, LockObj.compare) == 0)
            //assign CurrentThreadId to dest to make it re-entrant safe
            LockObj.dest = GetCurrentThreadId();
            // lock acquired 

        // spin wait to acquire 
        while(LockObj.dest != LockObj.compare)
                if(m_iterations + YIELD_ITERATION >= MAX_SLEEP_ITERATION)

                if(m_iterations >= YIELD_ITERATION && m_iterations < MAX_SLEEP_ITERATION)
                    m_iterations = 0;
            // Yield processor on multi-processor but if on single processor then give other thread the CPU
            if(Helper::GetNumberOfProcessors() > 1) { YieldProcessor(/*no op*/); }
            else { SwitchToThread(); }              

void tSpinWait::Unlock(tSpinLock &LockObj)
    if(LockObj.dest != GetCurrentThreadId())
        throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected thread-id in release");
    // lock released
    InterlockedCompareExchange(&LockObj.dest, LockObj.compare, GetCurrentThreadId());   

关于c++ - Windows .NET (C++) SpinWait 在 Linux 和 Mac OS X 上的等价物是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31245364/


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