linux - Clearcase 客户端安装问题 - Linux RHEL5

标签 linux clearcase rhel5 clearcase-remote-client

我不确定在这里问这个问题是否合适。我一直在尝试在带有 RHEL5u8 镜像的新机器上安装 clearcase 客户端 8015。尝试了很多谷歌搜索,但无法根据其他论坛上的建议解决问题。

  1. 安装成功。 (根据提示)
  2. 正确地列出了 View 。 (cleartool lsview)
  3. 当我执行 cleartool mount -all,

cleartool: Error: The MVFS file system is not installed or not loaded, or the 'viewroot' is not mounted or is inaccessible: not a ClearCase object.

  1. 以root身份登录然后启动clearcase,执行"/opt/rational/clearcase/etc/clearcase start" 输出:-

ClearCase is stopped Starting ClearCase ClearCase daemons: albd_server FATAL: Error inserting mvfs (/lib/modules/2.6.18-308. Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) Loading the MVFS was unsuccessful(8:1) /opt/rational/clearcase/etc/clearcase: Loading MVFS failed ---- Please review /var/log/messages for information on the problem. ---- You may need to rebuild your kernel, rebuild your mvfs module, ---- and reboot your system. Information on how to do this can be found in ---- your Release Notes and file /var/adm/rational/clearcase/mvfs/mvfs_src/README.txt.

我已经按照/var/adm/rational/clearcase/mvfs/mvfs_src/README.txt 中的所有步骤进行操作,但仍然无法实现任何目标。

卸载也失败:- ./linux_8015_uninstall

ERROR: Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0; expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on this system. Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0; expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on this system.

00:01.33 ERROR [main] run
Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0; expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on this system. Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0; expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on this system. Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0; expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on this system. at at at at

无法继续安装,也无法卸载以尝试另一个版本的 clearcase,尝试谷歌搜索 IBM 安装管理器的版本不匹配,但找不到任何正确解决 Linux 问题的方法。 关于如何进行的任何建议?我是 clearcase 工具的新手。


通常,当我看到仅支持快照 View ,并且 MVFS(用于动态 View )未正确安装时,我会卸载所有内容并从头开始尝试所有过程。

在您的情况下,这意味着安装或降级 IBM IM Installation Manager to the right version ( similar to this issue ).
它可以是 IM update issue, as seen in this technote .

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