clearcase - 更新 ClearCase 快照 View 时出错

标签 clearcase clearcase-ucm

我有一个用户(只有一个,其他都很好)尝试更新他们的 ClearCase View 。
从过去 6 个月到今天,它一直对他们有效。


Unable to read directory "."  Permission denied

Errors were encountered in loading "\VOB"

CC Doctor 也没有出现任何错误。
自从他周五最后一次使用 CC 以来,没有任何变化。




cleartool lsview -l -full -pro viewTag 

由于用户未进行任何更改,因此可能与 Windows 配置文件问题相关联。确保重新启动后问题仍然存在。

还要确保没有 Windows 组策略更改或登录权限演变(例如管理员权限被撤销),这可以解释为什么用户无法读取 ClearCase 快照 View 的根目录。这可能是 Windows ACL 问题(即与 ClearCase 没有直接关系。


OP 报告 CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP 引用的组ClearCase 不再考虑该组,因为该组不在用户注册的前 32 个 Windows 组中。

技术说明“About the CLEARCASE_GROUPS variable”详细介绍了正确的解决方法:

This variable is used to counteract a limitation in the SUNRPC protocol that is used by ClearCase whereby any user who is a member of more than 32 Microsoft Windows groups (domain or local) can run into access problems.

If the user environment variable CLEARCASE_GROUPS exists for any user, ClearCase will consider the semicolon-separated list of groups specified in the value of this variable first when determining (or displaying) which groups a user belongs.

In essence, when you log in to Windows, you receive an Access Token.
ClearCase will process these tokens in the order Windows provides them (which is completely random and cannot be configured in any way).
ClearCase will stop processing the tokens after 32 groups have been reached.

The CLEARCASE_GROUPS variable is the only way to work around this behavior.
When the variable is set, ClearCase will look at each group name in CLEARCASE_GROUPS list in the order the list was written and compare that to the Windows Access Tokens provided.
If the group name matches a group in the Windows Access Token, then ClearCase will create a ClearCase Access Token for that group to use.

When the CLEARCASE_GROUPS variable is exhausted, ClearCase will go back to the Windows Access Token list, and any group that has not already been added to the ClearCase token, will be added from the remaining list in the order provided, until all groups in the Windows token are used (if below 32) or the 32 group limit is reached.

set env variable CLEARCASE_GROUP

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