javascript - React DND - 在鼠标移动时获取拖动元素的坐标

标签 javascript reactjs react-dnd

我有一个图像,当我拖动时我也想实现旋转。我想到的解决方案是使用 React DnD 获取拖动图像位置的 xy 坐标并计算原始图像位置之间的差异。这种差异的值(value)将构成进行轮换的基础。

我查看了 ReactDnD 库中的示例,发现 DragSource 规范可以访问 Monitor 变量。此监视器变量可以访问 getInitialClientOffset() 等方法。当我实现此值的 console.log() 时,它会显示我释放鼠标时设置的最后一个坐标。


import React from 'react'
import { DragSource } from 'react-dnd'

// Drag sources and drop targets only interact
// if they have the same string type.
// You want to keep types in a separate file with
// the rest of your app's constants.
const Types = {
  CARD: 'card',

 * Specifies the drag source contract.
 * Only `beginDrag` function is required.
const cardSource = {
  beginDrag(props,monitor,component) {
    // Return the data describing the dragged item
    const clientOffset = monitor.getSourceClientOffset();
    const item = { id: }
    return item

  isDragging(props, monitor){

  endDrag(props, monitor, component) {
    if (!monitor.didDrop()) {

    // When dropped on a compatible target, do something
    const item = monitor.getItem()
    const dropResult = monitor.getDropResult()
    //CardActions.moveCardToList(, dropResult.listId)

 * Specifies which props to inject into your component.
function collect(connect, monitor) {
  return {
    // Call this function inside render()
    // to let React DnD handle the drag events:
    connectDragSource: connect.dragSource(),
    // You can ask the monitor about the current drag state:
    isDragging: monitor.isDragging(),

function Card(props) {
  // Your component receives its own props as usual
  const { id } = props

  // These two props are injected by React DnD,
  // as defined by your `collect` function above:
  const { isDragging, connectDragSource } = props

  return connectDragSource(
      I am a draggable card number {id}
      {isDragging && ' (and I am being dragged now)'}

// Export the wrapped version
export default DragSource(Types.CARD, cardSource, collect)(Card)



const dragDropManager = useDragDropManager();
const monitor = dragDropManager.getMonitor();

React.useEffect(() => monitor.subscribeToOffsetChange(() => {
  const offset = monitor.getClientOffset();
  // do stuff like setState, though consider directly updating style through refs for performance
}), [monitor]);

您还可以使用一些基于拖动状态的标志来仅在需要时订阅(简单的 isDragging && monitor.subscribe... 加上 dependencies 数组就可以了)。

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