java - Maven 构建和发布多个相互依赖的项目

标签 java maven release

我有一些现有的 Maven 项目。


  1. aaa(插件)
  2. bbb( jar )
  3. ccc( jar )
  4. ddd( war )
  5. eee( war )

项目 ddd 是给一个客户的,eee 是给另一个客户的

它们位于磁盘上 workspace/ 文件夹下的平面结构中,并且在 svn repo 中有完全相同的结构。


ddd (war)        
    aaa (plugin)
    bbb (jar)
    ccc (jar)
        bbb (jar)

eee (war)
    ccc (jar)
        bbb (jar)



ddd       1.1-SNAPSHOT (war)        
  aaa     2.0          (plugin)
  bbb     2.1-SNAPSHOT (jar)
  ccc     1.3-SNAPSHOT (jar)
    bbb   2.1-SNAPSHOT (jar)

我必须做的,为了 build :

  1. bbb> mvn install
  2. ccc> mvn install
  3. ddd> mvn compile


  1. bbb> mvn release:prepare release:perform
  2. ccc> mvn versions:use-releases
  3. ccc> svn ci -m “更新的 SNAPSHOT 依赖项”
  4. ccc> mvn release:prepare release:perform
  5. ddd> mvn versions:use-releases
  6. ddd> svn ci -m "更新的 SNAPSHOT 依赖项"
  7. ddd> mvn release:prepare release:perform


  • 在构建时,它编译非 SNAPSHOT 依赖项(aaa 2.0 -> 编译 aaa 2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  • 发布时,它提示 scm,但我不希望聚合器在 svn 中


  • 单命令构建
    • 订购 SNAPSHOT 依赖项
    • 安装(或部署)每个 SNAPSHOT 依赖项
    • 构建(编译或打包或安装...)根 Artifact
  • 单一命令发布
    • 订购 SNAPSHOT 依赖项
    • 释放每个 SNAPSHOT 依赖项
    • 发布根 Artifact


  • 批量构建/发布脚本
  • 将聚合器放在 svn 中
  • 项目间的版本共享
  • parent 也成为聚合者


替代最佳实践? (也许 Jenkins 会有所帮助?)

我应该切换到 Gradle 吗??


我看到你们中的大多数人将 parentaggregator 混淆了,所以我从这个问题中删除了它。然而,

[...] You will often see projects that are both parents and aggregators. [...] However, although both POM projects, an aggregator project and a parent project are not one in the same and should not be confused. A POM project may be inherited from - but does not necessarily have - any modules that it aggregates. Conversely, a POM project may aggregate projects that do not inherit from it.

来自 A final note on Inheritance v. Aggregation


只是以一种 hacky 的方式得到它...但我满意。

如果有人能提供更好的方法来在 maven 上执行自定义递归发布过程,我会很高兴改变我的接受程度!

父 pom:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

    <description>This is the parent pom to test release procedure</description>



            <name>mycompany Maven Repository</name>

            <name>mycompany Maven Repository</name>

            <name>mycompany Maven Repository</name>





                        String releaseVersion = project.version.substring(0, project.version.indexOf("-"));

                        String nextVersion;
                        int index = releaseVersion.lastIndexOf(".");
                        if(index == -1) nextVersion = (releaseVersion.toInteger() + 1) + "-SNAPSHOT";
                            String prefix = releaseVersion.substring(0, index);
                            String suffix = releaseVersion.substring(index + 1);

                            nextVersion = prefix + "." + (suffix.toInteger() + 1) + "-SNAPSHOT";

                        ant.exec(failonerror: "true", dir: "${basedir}", executable: "cmd")
                            arg(value: "/c")
                            arg(value: "mvn")
                            arg(value: "validate")
                            arg(value: "-Prelease-align")
                            arg(value: "-Dversion.release=" + releaseVersion)
                            arg(value: "" + nextVersion)

                        ant.exec(failonerror: "true", dir: "${basedir}", executable: "cmd")
                            arg(value: "/c")
                            arg(value: "mvn")
                            arg(value: "initialize")
                            arg(value: "-Prelease-prepare")
                            arg(value: "-Dversion.release=" + releaseVersion)
                            arg(value: "" + nextVersion)

                        ant.exec(failonerror: "true", dir: "${basedir}", executable: "cmd")
                            arg(value: "/c")
                            arg(value: "mvn")
                            arg(value: "deploy")
                            arg(value: "-Prelease-perform")
                            arg(value: "-Dversion.release=" + releaseVersion)
                            arg(value: "" + nextVersion)


                                        for(d in project.dependencies)
                                            if(d.groupId == "com.mycompany" &amp;&amp; d.version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT"))
                                                println "installing " + d
                                                ant.exec(failonerror: "true", dir: "${basedir}/../" + d.artifactId, executable: "cmd")
                                                    arg(value: "/c")
                                                    arg(value: "mvn")
                                                    arg(value: "install")
                                                    arg(value: "-Pbuildall")


                                        if(project.parent != null &amp;&amp; project.parent.groupId == "com.mycompany" &amp;&amp; project.parent.version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT"))
                                            println "releasing " + project.parent

                                            String releaseVersion = project.parent.version.substring(0, project.parent.version.indexOf("-"));

                                            String nextVersion;
                                            int index = releaseVersion.lastIndexOf(".");
                                            if(index == -1) nextVersion = (releaseVersion.toInteger() + 1) + "-SNAPSHOT";
                                                String prefix = releaseVersion.substring(0, index);
                                                String suffix = releaseVersion.substring(index + 1);

                                                nextVersion = prefix + "." + (suffix.toInteger() + 1) + "-SNAPSHOT";

                                            ant.exec(failonerror: "true", dir: "${basedir}/../" + project.parent.artifactId, executable: "cmd")
                                                arg(value: "/c")
                                                arg(value: "mvn")
                                                arg(value: "validate")
                                                arg(value: "-Prelease-align")
                                                arg(value: "-Dversion.release=" + releaseVersion)
                                                arg(value: "" + nextVersion)

                                            ant.exec(failonerror: "true", dir: "${basedir}/../" + project.parent.artifactId, executable: "cmd")
                                                arg(value: "/c")
                                                arg(value: "mvn")
                                                arg(value: "initialize")
                                                arg(value: "-Prelease-prepare")
                                                arg(value: "-Dversion.release=" + releaseVersion)
                                                arg(value: "" + nextVersion)

                                            ant.exec(failonerror: "true", dir: "${basedir}/../" + project.parent.artifactId, executable: "cmd")
                                                arg(value: "/c")
                                                arg(value: "mvn")
                                                arg(value: "deploy")
                                                arg(value: "-Prelease-perform")
                                                arg(value: "-Dversion.release=" + releaseVersion)
                                                arg(value: "" + nextVersion)

                                        for(d in project.dependencies)
                                            if(d.groupId == "com.mycompany" &amp;&amp; d.version.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT"))
                                                println "releasing " + d

                                                String releaseVersion = d.version.substring(0, d.version.indexOf("-"));

                                                String nextVersion;
                                                int index = releaseVersion.lastIndexOf(".");
                                                if(index == -1) nextVersion = (releaseVersion.toInteger() + 1) + "-SNAPSHOT";
                                                    String prefix = releaseVersion.substring(0, index);
                                                    String suffix = releaseVersion.substring(index + 1);

                                                    nextVersion = prefix + "." + (suffix.toInteger() + 1) + "-SNAPSHOT";

                                                ant.exec(failonerror: "true", dir: "${basedir}/../" + d.artifactId, executable: "cmd")
                                                    arg(value: "/c")
                                                    arg(value: "mvn")
                                                    arg(value: "validate")
                                                    arg(value: "-Prelease-align")
                                                    arg(value: "-Dversion.release=" + releaseVersion)
                                                    arg(value: "" + nextVersion)

                                                ant.exec(failonerror: "true", dir: "${basedir}/../" + d.artifactId, executable: "cmd")
                                                    arg(value: "/c")
                                                    arg(value: "mvn")
                                                    arg(value: "initialize")
                                                    arg(value: "-Prelease-prepare")
                                                    arg(value: "-Dversion.release=" + releaseVersion)
                                                    arg(value: "" + nextVersion)

                                                ant.exec(failonerror: "true", dir: "${basedir}/../" + d.artifactId, executable: "cmd")
                                                    arg(value: "/c")
                                                    arg(value: "mvn")
                                                    arg(value: "deploy")
                                                    arg(value: "-Prelease-perform")
                                                    arg(value: "-Dversion.release=" + releaseVersion)
                                                    arg(value: "" + nextVersion)


                            <message>auto-generated by release process</message>

这是一个使用另一个项目(工作区中的展平结构)作为依赖项的项目 pom

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


    <description>maven project to test a release process</description>

            <name>mycompany Maven Repository</name>





mvn <some-phase> -Pbuildall


mvn groovy:execute



  • 程序发布:
    1. 如果存在则更新父版本
    2. 如果存在则更新快照依赖
    3. 如果父级拥有并且快照
      • 发布( parent )
    4. 对于每个拥有的和快照的依赖
      • 发布(依赖)
    5. 更新父版本(现在必须存在)
    6. 更新拥有的和快照依赖项(现在必须存在)
    7. 设置项目发布版本(即从 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT 到 1.0.0)
    8. 提交对 scm 的更改
    9. scm 上的标签卡住
    10. 执行所有 Maven 生命周期阶段直到部署
    11. 设置项目的下一个版本(即从 1.0.0 到 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT)
    12. 再次提交对 scm 的更改

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