java - 使用 Gson for ReSTLet 将 Post 数据(Representation)转换为 Object

标签 java google-app-engine gson restlet

我正在尝试将表单发布到 ReSTLet ServerResource 并使用 Gson Restlet Extension 将其读入对象中.

no documentation关于如何使用它,StackOverflow 上没有任何内容。

gson reSTLet 扩展的正确使用方法是什么?


public class CustomerSegment {
    private int visitsMin;
    private int visitsMax;
    // Getters, Setters and constructors

public class CampaignsResource extends ServerResource {
    public Representation createCampaign(Representation entity) {
        Form form = new Form(entity);
        // Using form is the usual way, which works fine
        // form: [[visitsMin=3], [visitsMax=6]]

        CustomerSegment segment = null;
        // Following hasn't worked 
        GsonConverter converter = new GsonConverter();
        try {
            segment = converter.toObject(entity, CustomerSegment.class, this);
            //segment = null
        } catch (IOException e1) {

        GsonRepresentation<CustomerSegment> gson
        = new GsonRepresentation<CustomerSegment>(entity, CustomerSegment.class);
        try {
            segment = gson.getObject();
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return new EmptyRepresentation();

正在发布的表单数据: Form Post Data


事实上,您可以利用 ReSTLet 的内置转换器支持,而无需显式使用 gson 转换器。

事实上,当您将 GSON 扩展放在类路径中时,它包含的转换器会自动在 ReSTLet 引擎本身中注册。要检查您是否可以在启动应用程序时简单地使用这些行:

List<ConverterHelper> converters
       = Engine.getInstance().getRegisteredConverters();
for (ConverterHelper converterHelper : converters) {
    System.out.println("- " + converterHelper);

/* This will print this in your case:
   - org.restlet.ext.gson.GsonConverter@2085ce5a
   - org.restlet.engine.converter.DefaultConverter@30ae8764
   - org.restlet.engine.converter.StatusInfoHtmlConverter@123acf34

然后您可以在服务器资源的方法签名中依赖 bean,而不是类表示,如下所述:

public class MyServerResource extends ServerResource {
    public SomeOutputBean handleBean(SomeInputBean input) {
        SomeOutputBean bean = new SomeOutputBean();
        bean.setName("some name");
        return bean;


  • 将请求内容反序列化为 bean,作为服务器资源中处理方法的参数提供。
  • 序列化为返回bean的响应内容。



public interface MyResource {
    SomeOutputBean handleBean(SomeInputBean input);


String url = "http://localhost:8182/test";

ClientResource cr = new ClientResource(url);
MyResource resource = cr.wrap(MyResource.class);
SomeInputBean input = new SomeInputBean();
SomeOutputBean output = resource.handleBean(input);


public class CampaignsResource extends ServerResource {
    private String getUri() {
        Reference resourceRef = getRequest().getResourceRef();
        return resourceRef.toString();

    public void createCampaign(CustomerSegment segment) {
        // Handle segment

        // You can return something if the client expects
        // to have something returned
        // For creation on POST method, returning a 204 status
        // code with a Location header is enough...
        getResponse().setLocationRef(getUri() + addedSegmentId);

例如,您可以利用内容类型 application/json 将数据作为 JSON 发送:

  visitsMin: 2,
  visitsMax: 11

如果你想使用 Gson,你应该使用这种内容类型而不是 urlencoded 类型,因为该工具针对 JSON 转换:

Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. Gson can work with arbitrary Java objects including pre-existing objects that you do not have source-code of.

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