java - 为什么 lombok 添加 canEqual 方法

标签 java equals lombok

使用 lombok 时 @Data (添加 EqualsAndHashCode )

它添加了canEqual 方法

protected boolean canEqual(Object other) {
  return other instanceof Exercise;


if (!other.canEqual((Object)this)) return false;


If you implement equals and hashCode in a non-final class the safest thing we can do is add the can equal the way we do. Since we don't add any field the costs, especially if the method is protected, are slim.



canEqual 方法在题为 How to Write an Equality Method in Java 的论文中定义.此方法旨在允许在类层次结构的多个级别上重新定义相等性,同时保持其契约(Contract):

The idea is that as soon as a class redefines equals (and hashCode), it should also explicitly state that objects of this class are never equal to objects of some superclass that implement a different equality method. This is achieved by adding a method canEqual to every class that redefines equals.

它似乎是在 Lombok 0.10 中引入的,如 @EqualsAndHashCode 中所述文档:

NEW in Lombok 0.10: Unless your class is final and extends java.lang.Object, lombok generates a canEqual method which means JPA proxies can still be equal to their base class, but subclasses that add new state don't break the equals contract.


The complicated reasons for why such a method is necessary are explained in this paper: How to Write an Equality Method in Java. If all classes in a hierarchy are a mix of scala case classes and classes with lombok-generated equals methods, all equality will 'just work'. If you need to write your own equals methods, you should always override canEqual if you change equals and hashCode.

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