C++ 继承与重载无法编译?

标签 c++ inheritance overloading poker

我正在用 C++ 制作扑克游戏,我只是想开始。 我需要能够比较“手”,看看哪一只更大、相等或更小。 所以,我现在有一个 Hand 类,并且创建了另外两个子类,分别称为 Straight 和 ThreeOfKind(稍后我将添加其余的子类)。 Hand 类有一个名为 compareTo(Hand* otherHand) 的方法,它会检查手牌排名,看看哪一个更好。此外,对于顺子和三同,当它们处于相同等级时,您可以将它们放在一起进行比较。就像顺子与顺子以及三同与三同。

我今天写了一些初始代码,我的问题是,当我尝试调用“Hand”的 compareTo(Hand* otherHand) 方法并传入 Hand、Straight 或 Three of a Kind 时,编译器会提示,因为它试图强制我使用 Straight 的 compareTo(Straight* otherStraight) 方法。所以,我应该重载,但它不起作用。


int Hand::compareTo(Hand* otherHand);
int Straight::compareTo(Straight* otherStraight);

// But, if you do this, it works:
Straight myStraight1 = new Straight(7);
Straight myStraight2 = new Straight(5);
// This is valid...

// If you do this, then the compiler complains!
Straight myStraight3 = new Straight(10);
ThreeOfKind myTrips4 = new ThreeOfKind(3);
// This above line complains that you cannot convert a ThreeOfKind to a Straight
// Even though I am trying to use Hand's compareTo(Hand* otherHand) method and
// cast a Three of a Kind to a Hand object,
// it fails with the overloading!


// C++ main header file //

#pragma once

class Hand {

    int ranking;

    Hand(int aRanking);

    int getRanking();

    int compareTo(Hand* otherHand);

class Straight : public Hand {

    int highCard;


    Straight(int aHighCard);

    int getHighCard();

    int compareTo(Straight* otherStraight);

class ThreeOfKind : public Hand {

    int tripsValue;


    ThreeOfKind(int aTripsValue);

    int getTripsValue();

    int compareTo(ThreeOfKind* otherThreeOfKind);

// C++ main .cpp file... //
#include <iostream>
#include "PokerTest1.h"
using namespace std;

Hand::Hand(int aRanking) {

    this->ranking = aRanking;

Hand::Hand() {

    this->ranking = 0;

int Hand::getRanking() {
    return this->ranking;

int Hand::compareTo(Hand* otherHand) {

    cout << "COMPARING HANDS..." << endl;

    if (this->getRanking() < otherHand->getRanking()) {

        cout << "HANDS RETURNING -1..." << endl;

        return -1;
    else if (this->getRanking() > otherHand->getRanking()) {

        cout << "HANDS RETURNING 1..." << endl;

        return 1;

    cout << "HAND RANKINGS ARE EQUAL..." << endl;

    if (this->getRanking() == 4 && otherHand->getRanking() == 4) {

        cout << "HANDS ARE BOTH STRAIGHTS..." << endl;

        Straight* myStraight1 = (Straight*)this;
        Straight* myStraight2 = (Straight*)otherHand;

        cout << "COMPARING BOTH STRAIGHTS..." << endl;

        return myStraight1->compareTo(myStraight2);
    else if (this->getRanking() == 3 && otherHand->getRanking() == 3) {

        cout << "HANDS ARE BOTH THREE OF A KINDS..." << endl;

        ThreeOfKind* myTrips1 = (ThreeOfKind*)this;
        ThreeOfKind* myTrips2 = (ThreeOfKind*)otherHand;

        cout << "COMPARING BOTH TRIPS..." << endl;

        return myTrips1->compareTo(myTrips2);

    return 0;

Straight::Straight(int aHighCard) : Hand(4) {
    this->highCard = aHighCard;

Straight::Straight() : Hand(4) {
    this->highCard = 0;

int Straight::getHighCard() {
    return this->highCard;

int Straight::compareTo(Straight* otherStraight) {

    cout << "INSIDE STRAIGHT COMPARE TO..." << endl;

    if (this->highCard < otherStraight->highCard) {

        cout << "STRAIGHT COMPARE RETURNING -1..." << endl;

        return -1;
    else if (this->highCard > otherStraight->highCard) {

        cout << "STRAIGHT COMPARE RETURNING 1..." << endl;

        return 1;

    cout << "STRAIGHT COMPARE RETURNING 0..." << endl;

    return 0;

ThreeOfKind::ThreeOfKind(int aTripsValue) : Hand(3) {
    this->tripsValue = aTripsValue;

ThreeOfKind::ThreeOfKind() : Hand(3) {
    this->tripsValue = 0;

int ThreeOfKind::getTripsValue() {
    return this->tripsValue;

int ThreeOfKind::compareTo(ThreeOfKind* otherThreeOfKind) {

    cout << "INSIDE STRAIGHT COMPARE TO..." << endl;

    if (this->tripsValue < otherThreeOfKind->tripsValue) {

        cout << "TRIPS COMPARE RETURNING -1..." << endl;

        return -1;
    else if (this->tripsValue > otherThreeOfKind->tripsValue) {

        cout << "TRIPS COMPARE RETURNING 1..." << endl;

        return 1;

    cout << "TRIPS COMPARE RETURNIN 0..." << endl;

    return 0;

int main()

    // Test the classes...
    // with Straight compared to a Three of a Kind.
    // Should try to invoke Hand::compareTo(Hand* otherHand) { ... };
    // But, instead, it try to invoke Straight::compareTo(Straight* otherStraight) { ... };

    // If you put both these methods in the Straight class (rather than using inheritence, it works)
    // If  you delete Straight::compareTo(Straight* otherStraight) { ... }, the line below compiles

    // It is just strange why it won't compile...
    Straight* myStraightA = new Straight(9); // Straight of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    ThreeOfKind* myTripsB = new ThreeOfKind(2); // Three of a Kind of 2, 2, 2

    cout << "Compare results..." << endl;
    cout << myStraightA->compareTo(myTripsB) << endl; // Compiler error...

    return 0;


0 → high card
1 → pair
2 → two pair
3 → three of a kind
4 → straight
5 → flush
6 → full house
7 → quads
8 → straight flush
9 → royal flush

基本上,我在 Hand 类中有一个字段将这些排名存储为整数。只是想让你知道。


error C2664: 'int Straight::compareTo(Straight )': cannot convert argument 1 from 'ThreeOfKind' to 'Straight*'


You are trying to overload across classes.

编译器会查找 compareTo 方法,在 Straight 中找到它,而不查找 Hand。如果添加适当的 using 语句,您可以告诉它查看 Hand 的compareTo 来完成重载。

class Straight : public Hand {
    int highCard;

    using Hand::compareTo; // <<< HERE

    Straight(int aHighCard);

    int getHighCard();

    int compareTo(Straight* otherStraight);

我建议您使用 getRanking() 来比较不同牌型的牌,而不是这样做,并定义由子类覆盖的 getTieBreaker() 来处理同类型手型的情况。

class Hand {
    int getRanking();
    // virtual causes subclass' version to be called if done from reference or pointer.
    virtual int getTieBreaker();  

这简化了 Hand 的比较:

int Hand::compareTo(Hand* otherHand) {
    if (this->getRanking() < otherHand->getRanking()) {
        return -1;
    else if (this->getRanking() > otherHand->getRanking()) {
        return 1;

    if (this->getTieBreaker() < otherHand->getTieBreaker()) {
        return -1;
    else if (this->getTieBreaker() > otherHand->getTieBreaker()) {
        return 1;
    return 0;


class Straight : public Hand {
    int getHighCard();
    int getTieBreaker();

int Straight::getTieBreaker() {
    return this->highCard;

关于C++ 继承与重载无法编译?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35374704/


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