c++ - 用于公开缓存数据的同步线程安全 API

标签 c++ c++11 design-patterns

我们提供了一个与许多其他 API 不是线程安全的包进行交互的包。我们的包的 API 完全基于消息,因此是异步的,以便为我们包的用户提供线程安全。因此,我们的包包装了一堆非线程安全的包并提供了线程安全的 API。这意味着我们的包的用户可以从任何线程与我们的包进行交互。

我们希望将同步 API 添加到我们的包中,同时保持线程安全。我做了一些研究,并提出了两种可能的模式来做到这一点,我将在下面分享。我对这两种方法都不完全满意,所以我想知道社区是否可以对我们可以使用的模式有更多建议。请注意,下面的代码用于设计和说明目的(C++ 伪代码),因此并不意味着可以编译。

方法 1 - 包用户依赖项将数据访问类注入(inject)到我们的包中。我们使用运行时类型推断来访问这些类。

// Define an interface class for all data accessor classes
class DataAccessor


// Some random data
class FooData
    int foo;
    int bar;

// A concrete data accessor
class FooDataAccessor : public DataAccessor
    FooData getFooData()
        FooData fooDataCopy;
            //Locks cachedFooData in this scope
            ScopedCriticalSection _(dataCriticalSection);
            fooDataCopy.foo = cachedFooData.foo;
            fooDataCopy.bar = cachedFooData.bar;
        return fooDataCopy;
    void setFooData(FooData& fooData)
        //Locks cachedFooData in this scope
        ScopedCriticalSection _(dataCriticalSection);
        cachedFooData.foo = dooData.foo;
        cachedFooData.bar = dooData.bar;

    FooData cachedFooData;
    CriticalSection dataCriticalSection; //Use this for locking cachedFooData to set the data.

class OurPackage
    OurPackage(std::vector<DataAccessor*>); //constructor which is injected the data accessors so that our package customers can own their lifecycle.

// How package users would inject the data accessors into our package, then later access the data
int main()
    std::vector<DataAccessor*> dataAccessors;
    //The package customer now populates the data Accessors with the instances they need.
    dataAccessors.push_back(new FooDataAccessor());        

    auto package = new OurPackage(dataAccessors);

    // How package users access the data, assume FooDataAccessor was at the front
    auto fooAccessor = dataAccessors.front();
    if (fooAccessor)
        FooData data = fooAccessor->getFooData();

// In OurPackage, set the actual data in caches
for (DataAccessor* dataAccessor : dataAccessors)
    //Use RTTI to find the instance we want
    if (auto dataAccessorTypeWeWant = dynamic_cast<DataAccessorTypeWeWant*>(dataAccessor) != nullptr)
        //Set the data on dataAccessorTypeWeWant 
        //For example, set FooData
        FooData fooData;
        fooData.foo = 1;
        fooData.bar = 2;

2 - Use a singleton pattern instead



无论您选择什么模式,您都应该使用库中创建的原子类型 <atomic> ,自 C++11 起可用的功能。通过这种类型,您可以创建线程安全变量,例如:

// Some random data
class FooData
    std::atomic<int>  foo;
    std::atomic<int>  bar;

我与您分享 CPlusPlus 中对该库的描述:

Atomic types are types that encapsulate a value whose access is guaranteed to not cause data races and can be used to synchronize memory accesses among different threads.

关于c++ - 用于公开缓存数据的同步线程安全 API,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43814931/


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