c# - 如何解决这个通用的存储库模式问题?

标签 c# design-patterns generics repository-pattern


    public interface IEntity
// Common to all Data Objects
public interface ICustomer : IEntity
     // Specific data for a customer
public interface IRepository<T, TID> : IDisposable where T : IEntity
     T Get(TID key);
     IList<T> GetAll();
     void Save (T entity);
     T Update (T entity);
     // Common data will be added here
public class Repository<T, TID> : IRepository
     // Implementation of the generic repository
public interface ICustomerRepository
     // Specific operations for the customers repository
public class CustomerRepository : Repository<ICustomer>, ICustomerRepository
     // Implementation of the specific customers repository


1- 公共(public)类存储库:IRepository

2- 公共(public)类 CustomerRepository : Repository, ICustomerRepository




从 Repository/IRepository 继承时需要使用两个类型参数,因为它们采用两个类型参数。也就是说,当您从 IRepository 继承时,您需要指定如下内容:

public class Repository<T, TID> : IRepository<T,TID> where T:IEntity

public class CustomerRepository : Repository<ICustomer,int>,ICustomerRepository

编辑以在 Reposistory 的实现上添加类型约束

关于c# - 如何解决这个通用的存储库模式问题?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1495574/


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