c# - 如何在 C# 中将数组作为参数传递给 doWork

标签 c# backgroundworker

我需要在 readstream 函数中使用像 comboBox1.text 和 comboBox2.Text 这样的表单控件,这会传递一条错误消息(翻译自德语):

The access of control element comboBox1/comboBox2 is from another thread rather than the thread in which it is created in !!!

我需要的是将这些控件传递给 readstream 函数,但我不知 Prop 体怎么做。


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker;
    worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
    worker.ProgressChanged += ProgressChanged;
    worker.DoWork += ReadStream;

    //Need to pass the comoBox Texts from here!!!
    string start = comboBox1.Text;
    string end = comboBox2.Text;

private void ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
    comboBox1.Text = e.UserState.ToString();

private void ReadStream(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs)
    BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
    string line;
    //And use the values here !!!!
    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("file", System.Text.Encoding.ASCII))
        while (!sr.EndOfStream)
            line = sr.ReadLine();


在调用 worker.RunWorkerAsync(); 之前,执行以下操作:

string[] texts = new string[] {start, end};

然后,在 ReadStream(...)

string[] extracted = (string[])doWorkEventArgs.Argument;
string start = extracted[0];
string end = extracted[1];

关于c# - 如何在 C# 中将数组作为参数传递给 doWork,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8617398/


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