C# .NET 设计模式问题

标签 c# .net design-patterns





public abstract class BaseEntity
    public override abstract String ToString();

public abstract class BaseClass<T> where T : BaseEntity
    public T GetById(int id)
        //Dummy Code
        return new T();

public interface IFooRepository
    IList<Foo> GetOrderedObjects();

public interface FooRepository : BaseClass<Foo>, IFooRepository
    public IList<Foo> GetOrderedObjects()
        //GetById method is accessible from the repository - Fine
        var obj = this.GetById(5);

        //Dummy Code
        return new List<Foo>();


public class void Main()
    private IFooRepository _fooRepository;

    public void ProgramStartsHere()
         //This is ok.
         var list = _fooRepository.GetOrderedObjects();

         //Problem is here - GetById method is not accessible from the main program through the FooRepository
         var obj = _fooRepository.GetById(10);




public interface IBaseRepository<T> where T : BaseEntitiy {
 T GetById<T>(int id);

然后 BaseClass工具 IBaseRepository<T>

IFooRepository继承自 IBaseRepository<Foo>


一个完整的例子,类似于@Olivier J-D 的例子,有一个想法(可能是错误的),即 GetOrderedObject 可能对所有实体都是相同的。

public abstract class BaseEntity
    public override abstract String ToString();

//all generic methods
public interface IRepositoryBase<T>
    where T : BaseEntity, new()
    T GetById(int id);
    IList<T> GetOrderedObjects();


//all methods specific to foo, which can't be in a generic class
public interface IFooRepository :IRepositoryBase<Foo>
    void Update(Foo model);

//implementation of generic methods
public abstract class BaseClass<T> : IRepositoryBase<T>
    where T : BaseEntity, new() // ===> Add new() constraint here
    public T GetById(int id)
        return new T();
    public IList<T> GetOrderedObjects() {
        var obj = this.GetById(5);

        //Dummy Code
        return new List<Foo>();

//implementation of Foo specific methods
public class FooRepository : BaseClass<Foo>, IFooRepository
    public void Update(Foo model) {
    //bla bla

关于C# .NET 设计模式问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10499289/


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