C - 添加两个单精度浮点正常数,不能得到无穷大的结果

标签 c floating-point ieee-754 single-precision





但是,从 ieee 745 中得知,将有限数相加会导致溢出到无穷大。


#include <fenv.h>
#include <stdio.h>

float hex2float (int hex_num) {
  return *(float*)&hex_num;

void main() {
  int a_int = 0x7f7fffff; // Maximum finite single precision number, about 3.4E38
  int b_int = 0x7f7fffff;
  float a = hex2float(a_int);
  float b = hex2float(b_int);
  float res_add;

  fesetround(FE_TOWARDZERO);  // need to include fenv.h for that
  printf("Calculating... %+e + %+e\n",a,b);
  res_add = a + b;
  printf("Res = %+e\n",res_add);

但是,如果我将舍入模式更改为其他模式,我可能会得到 +INF 作为答案。

Can someone explain this?


对观察到的行为的解释是,它是由 IEEE 754-2008 浮点标准强制执行的:

7.4 Overflow

The overflow exception shall be signaled if and only if the destination format’s largest finite number is exceeded in magnitude by what would have been the rounded floating-point result (see 4) were the exponent range unbounded. The default result shall be determined by the rounding-direction attribute and the sign of the intermediate result as follows:


b) roundTowardZero carries all overflows to the format’s largest finite number with the sign of the intermediate result.


关于C - 添加两个单精度浮点正常数,不能得到无穷大的结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37439180/


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