git - Bitbucket:git push 错误:包对象死于信号 13

标签 git push bitbucket

我尝试将我的本地存储库推送到我在 Bitbucket 上的原始分支,但一直无法推送。错误显示如下。

Counting objects: 2309, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Connection to closed by remote host.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Compressing objects: 100% (2295/2295), done.
error: pack-objects died of signal 13
error: failed to push some refs to .... 


git config http.postBuffer 5242880

结果显示同样的错误。我也尝试将我的设置从 https 更改为 ssh,但仍然出现相同的错误。

我猜可能是因为我将大文件推送到我的远程存储库。我已经一个月没有请求任何更新,只做了 pull requests 来更新我的本地 repo。


即使您已经提高了 http 缓冲区大小,这可能仍与您的存储库的一般大小有关。

This thread提及:

This repo is well in excess of our size limits. We don't store repositories of this size. We do not offer that as an option to any of our commercial plans, either. 1GiB/2GiB is a firm and inflexible limit for everyone.

As much as we want to offer larger repos, the performance of repos over 750MiB or so is too bad to tolerate. We hope you understand this limitation.

To check this I was asked to run:

git count-objects -Hv

(参见“Find size of git repo”)

这可以解释为什么在这种情况下切换到 ssh 不构成解决方法。

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