git - git 使用的差异版本是什么? diff2 还是 diff3?

标签 git diff git-diff

有谁知道 git 使用哪个 diff 版本?

This article例如,详细解释了假人的 diff 算法,但实际使用的算法是什么?

关于一般知识,这里有 diff2 的规范和 diff3 .

我知道你可以配置 git 来使用 diff2diff3

git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3


你似乎混淆了 3 个不同的东西

  1. unix 命令行工具 diff3GNU diffutils 提供
  2. git提供的diff的输出格式(其中diff3为非默认选项)
  3. git 用于生成差异的算法

Git 支持 4 种不同的差异算法。

您可以通过命令行指定为git diff

       Spend extra time to make sure the smallest possible diff is produced.

       Generate a diff using the "patience diff" algorithm.

       Generate a diff using the "histogram diff" algorithm.

       Choose a diff algorithm. The variants are as follows:
   default, myers
       The basic greedy diff algorithm. Currently, this is the default.

       Spend extra time to make sure the smallest possible diff is produced.

       Use "patience diff" algorithm when generating patches.

       This algorithm extends the patience algorithm to "support low-occurrence common elements".

或通过 git 配置。

   Choose a diff algorithm. The variants are as follows:

   default, myers
       The basic greedy diff algorithm. Currently, this is the default.

       Spend extra time to make sure the smallest possible diff is produced.

       Use "patience diff" algorithm when generating patches.

       This algorithm extends the patience algorithm to "support low-occurrence common elements".

diff2原始问题中的 pdf 链接是对 myers 的描述算法,似乎与 2 向冲突标记 git 调用无关 diff2merge.conflictStyle .

同样,unix工具diff3与 git 调用的三向冲突标记无关 diff3 .

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