java - 在Java中寻找多项式的根

标签 java math polynomial-math

我需要找到 Legendre polynomial 的(近似数值)解.我尝试了几个 Java 库,但没有一个有我要找的东西(最接近的是 commons-math,它甚至有用于在 Laguerre solver 中查找解决方案的代码,但它没有公开方法)。是否有现有的解决方案,或者我是否需要实现自己的解决方案?


您可以使用 EJML (高效的 Java 矩阵库)。


public class PolynomialRootFinder {

     * <p>
     * Given a set of polynomial coefficients, compute the roots of the polynomial.  Depending on
     * the polynomial being considered the roots may contain complex number.  When complex numbers are
     * present they will come in pairs of complex conjugates.
     * </p>
     * @param coefficients Coefficients of the polynomial.
     * @return The roots of the polynomial
    public static Complex64F[] findRoots(double... coefficients) {
        int N = coefficients.length-1;

        // Construct the companion matrix
        DenseMatrix64F c = new DenseMatrix64F(N,N);

        double a = coefficients[N];
        for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
        for( int i = 1; i < N; i++ ) {

        // Use generalized eigenvalue decomposition to find the roots
        EigenDecomposition<DenseMatrix64F> evd =  DecompositionFactory.eigGeneral(N, false);


        Complex64F[] roots = new Complex64F[N];

        for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
            roots[i] = evd.getEigenvalue(i);

        return roots;

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