java - 内存中的文件是否与文件系统中的文件大小相同?

标签 java file memory centos filesystems

我一直在使用 Java 处理大型日志文件(约 100 MB)并注意到 gzip 可以将它们压缩到约 3MB,使它们小 35 倍。

所以我想知道:现代操作系统会在将文件加载到内存之前压缩文件吗?使用 100 MB 的 RAM 来保存一个实际上只有 3 MB 信息的文件似乎很愚蠢。

还是相反?读取文件(以及处理编码等)的过程是否意味着在磁盘上占用 100MB 的文件实际上在内存中大于 100MB?

* 加分点:有什么建议可以在加载文件之前对文件进行预处理,以减少 JVM 的内存使用量吗? (这些文件的格式与 Apache 服务器日志的格式相同。)


Do modern OSes compress files before loading them into memory? It seems silly to use 100 MB of RAM to hold a file that really only has 3 MB of information.


Or is it the opposite? Does the process of reading a file (and dealing with encodings and whatnot) mean that a file which takes up 100MB on disk is actually bigger than 100MB in memory?


*bonus points: Any recommendations for preprocessing I could do to my files before loading them in order to reduce my JVM's memory usage? (The files have the same format as Apache server logs.)


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