java - Wav 比较,相同的文件

标签 java audio comparison fft wav

我目前感到困惑。我一直在环顾四周并尝试音频比较。我找到了相当多的 Material ,以及大量对不同库和方法的引用资料。

截至目前,我已经使用 Audacity 并导出了一个名为“long.wav”的 3 分钟 wav 文件,然后将其前 30 秒拆分为一个名为“short.wav”的文件。我发现沿线的某个地方我可以通过 java 为每个数据直观地记录 (log.txt) 数据,并且至少应该能够看到值之间的一些视觉相似性....这是一些代码


        int totalFramesRead = 0;
        File fileIn = new File(filePath);
        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outPath));
        try {
            AudioInputStream audioInputStream = 
            int bytesPerFrame = 
            if (bytesPerFrame == AudioSystem.NOT_SPECIFIED) {
                // some audio formats may have unspecified frame size
                // in that case we may read any amount of bytes
                bytesPerFrame = 1;
            // Set an arbitrary buffer size of 1024 frames.
            int numBytes = 1024 * bytesPerFrame; 
            byte[] audioBytes = new byte[numBytes];
            try {
                int numBytesRead = 0;
                int numFramesRead = 0;
                // Try to read numBytes bytes from the file.
                while ((numBytesRead = 
               != -1) {
                    // Calculate the number of frames actually read.
                    numFramesRead = numBytesRead / bytesPerFrame;
                    totalFramesRead += numFramesRead;
                    // Here, do something useful with the audio data that's 
                    // now in the audioBytes array...

                    if(totalFramesRead <= 4096 * 100)

                    Complex[][] results = PerformFFT(audioBytes);
                    int[][] lines = GetKeyPoints(results);
                    DumpToFile(lines, writer);      

            } catch (Exception ex) { 
                // Handle the error...
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Handle the error...


public static Complex[][] PerformFFT(byte[] data) throws IOException
        final int totalSize = data.length;

        int amountPossible = totalSize/Harvester.CHUNK_SIZE;

        //When turning into frequency domain we'll need complex numbers:
        Complex[][] results = new Complex[amountPossible][];

        //For all the chunks:
        for(int times = 0;times < amountPossible; times++) {
            Complex[] complex = new Complex[Harvester.CHUNK_SIZE];
            for(int i = 0;i < Harvester.CHUNK_SIZE;i++) {
                //Put the time domain data into a complex number with imaginary part as 0:
                complex[i] = new Complex(data[(times*Harvester.CHUNK_SIZE)+i], 0);
            //Perform FFT analysis on the chunk:
            results[times] = FFT.fft(complex);
            return results;

此时我已经尝试在所有地方记录日志:转换前的 audioBytes、复数值和 FFT 结果。

问题:无论我记录什么值,每个wav文件的log.txt都是完全不同的。我不明白。鉴于我从 large.wav 中取出了 small.wav(并且它们具有所有相同的属性),原始 wav byte[] 数据...或 Complex[][] fft 数据之间应该有非常大的相似性。 .. 或者到目前为止..




你看过MARF了吗? ?它是一个用于音频识别的文档齐全的 Java 库。

它用于识别说话者(用于转录或保护软件),但相同的功能应该能够用于对音频样本进行分类。我不熟悉它,但看起来你想使用 FeatureExtraction类从每个音频样本中提取一组特征,然后创建一个唯一的 ID。

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