python - 拟合两个不同区域内的实验数据

标签 python scipy curve-fitting

我在两个不同的实验区域内拟合一组实验数据 ( sample ),可以用两个数学函数表示如下:


y = m*x + c ( the slope can be constrained to zero)


y = d*exp(-k*x)


def func(x, m, c, d, k):
   return m*x+ c + d*np.exp(-k*x) 
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, t, y)



Here is the link to plotted data


非常有趣的问题。正如 a_guest 所说,您必须分别适应这两个区域。但是,我认为您可能还希望这两个区域在 t0 点平滑连接,我们从一个模型切换到另一个模型的点。为此,我们需要在点 t0 处添加 y1 == y2 的约束。

要使用 scipy 执行此操作,请使用 SLSQP 方法查看 scipy.optimize.minimize。但是,我写了一个 scipy 包装器来简化这种事情,称为 symfit。我将向您展示如何使用 symfit 执行此操作,因为我认为它更适合该任务,但是通过这个示例,您也应该能够使用纯 scipy 来实现它如果您愿意。

from symfit import parameters, variables, Fit, Piecewise, exp, Eq
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t, y = variables('t, y')
m, c, d, k, t0 = parameters('m, c, d, k, t0')

# Help the fit by bounding the switchpoint between the models
t0.min = 0.6
t0.max = 0.9

# Make a piecewise model
y1 = m * t + c
y2 = d * exp(- k * t)
model = {y: Piecewise((y1, t <= t0), (y2, t > t0))}

# As a constraint, we demand equality between the two models at the point t0
# to do this, we substitute t -> t0 and demand equality using `Eq`
constraints = [Eq(y1.subs({t: t0}), y2.subs({t: t0}))]

# Read the data
tdata, ydata = np.genfromtxt('Experimental Data.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header=1).T

fit = Fit(model, t=tdata, y=ydata, constraints=constraints)
fit_result = fit.execute()

plt.scatter(tdata, ydata)
plt.plot(tdata, fit.model(t=tdata, **fit_result.params).y)

enter image description here

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