python - 如何处理这些子图中的重叠标签?

标签 python matplotlib

下面是我用 matplotlib 创建的图形。问题很明显——标签重叠,整个事情是一团乱七八糟的东西。

enter image description here

我尝试为每个子图调用 tight_layout,但这会使我的 ipython-notebook 内核崩溃。

如何修复布局?可接受的方法包括固定每个子图的 xlabel、ylabel 和标题,但另一种(也许更好)方法是为整个图使用单个 xlabel、ylabel 和标题。


for i, sub in enumerate(datalist):
    subnum = i + start_with
    subplot(3, 4, i)

     # format data (sub is a PANDAS dataframe)
    xdat = sub['x'][(sub['in_trl'] == True) & (sub['x'].notnull()) & (sub['y'].notnull())]
    ydat = sub['y'][(sub['in_trl'] == True) & (sub['x'].notnull()) & (sub['y'].notnull())]

    # plot
    hist2d(xdat, ydat, bins=1000)
    plot(0, 0, 'ro')  # origin

    title('Subject {0} in-Trial Gaze'.format(subnum))
    xlabel('Horizontal Offset (degrees visual angle)')
    ylabel('Vertical Offset (degrees visual angle)')

    xlim([-.005, .005])
    ylim([-.005, .005])
    # tight_layout  # crashes ipython-notebook kernel



好的,所以 ImageGrid 似乎是可行的方法,但我的图形看起来仍然有点不稳定:

enter image description here


fig = figure(dpi=300)
grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(3, 4), axes_pad=0.1)

for gridax, (i, sub) in zip(grid, enumerate(eyelink_data)):
    subnum = i + start_with

     # format data
    xdat = sub['x'][(sub['in_trl'] == True) & (sub['x'].notnull()) & (sub['y'].notnull())]
    ydat = sub['y'][(sub['in_trl'] == True) & (sub['x'].notnull()) & (sub['y'].notnull())]

    # plot
    gridax.hist2d(xdat, ydat, bins=1000)
    plot(0, 0, 'ro')  # origin

    title('Subject {0} in-Trial Gaze'.format(subnum))
    xlabel('Horizontal Offset\n(degrees visual angle)')
    ylabel('Vertical Offset\n(degrees visual angle)')

    xlim([-.005, .005])
    ylim([-.005, .005])



您需要 ImageGrid ( tutorial )。


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import ImageGrid
import numpy as np

im = np.arange(100)
im.shape = 10, 10

fig = plt.figure(1, (4., 4.))
grid = ImageGrid(fig, 111, # similar to subplot(111)
                nrows_ncols = (2, 2), # creates 2x2 grid of axes
                axes_pad=0.1, # pad between axes in inch.
                aspect=False, # do not force aspect='equal'

for i in range(4):
    grid[i].imshow(im) # The AxesGrid object work as a list of axes.

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