python - 用pytables压缩数组

标签 python hdf5 pytables


import numpy as np
import tables
from contextlib import closing

FILTERS = tables.Filters(complib='zlib', complevel=5)

data = np.zeros(10**7)

with closing(tables.open_file('compressed', mode='w', filters=FILTERS)) as hdf:
    hdf.create_array('/', 'array', obj=data)

with closing(tables.open_file('uncompressed', mode='w')) as hdf:
    hdf.create_array('/', 'array', obj=data)


-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 80002360 2013-11-21 15:27 compressed
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 80002304 2013-11-21 15:28 uncompressed



数组本身不能被压缩。压缩需要分块,因此您必须改用分块数组 (CArrays) 或可扩展数组 (EArray)。这可能是 1 个字符的更改,因为您只想调用 create_carray() 方法而不是 create_array() 方法。

import numpy as np
import tables
from contextlib import closing

FILTERS = tables.Filters(complib='zlib', complevel=5)

data = np.zeros(10**7)

with closing(tables.open_file('compressed', mode='w', filters=FILTERS)) as hdf:
    hdf.create_carray('/', 'array', obj=data)

with closing(tables.open_file('uncompressed', mode='w')) as hdf:
    hdf.create_array('/', 'array', obj=data)

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