python - boost python返回包含自定义类型的元组

标签 python c++ boost tuples boost-python

我有一个 C++ myObject 类,我使用包装器结构通过 boost python 公开它:

struct myObjectWrapper{
   static tuple compute(myObject& o,const Container& x0, const double& t0, Container& x){
      double t;
      int stat = o.evaluate(x0,t0,x,t);
      return make_tuple(stat,t);

   // not shown here is code to expose Container class



typedef std::valarray<double> Container

并暴露于 python。

现在在 python 中我可以做到。

x = Container()
(status,t) = obj.compute(Container([0.,0.,0.]),0.0,x)
print status, t, x[0]


(status,t,x) = obj.compute(Container([0.,0.,0.]),0.0)
print status, t, x[0]    

我可以用 python 编写额外的包装器,但我宁愿避免添加更多包装器。


struct myObjectWrapper{
   static tuple compute(myObject& o,const Container& x0, const double& t0){
      double t;
      Container x;
      int stat = o.evaluate(x0,t0,x,t);
      return make_tuple(stat,t,x);

此外,我更愿意窃取局部变量 x 的内容并让 python 管理它而不是复制它:

return make_tuple(stat,t,std::move(x));



简而言之,在免费存储上分配包装器并使用 manage_new_object结果转换为将所有权转移到 Python 对象。这将导致 Boost.Python 在构造 Python 对象时复制指针,而不是复制指针。有关详细信息,请参阅 this回答。

这是一个将所有权转移到 Python 对象的辅助函数:

/// @brief Transfer ownership to a Python object.  If the transfer fails,
///        then object will be destroyed and an exception is thrown.
template <typename T>
boost::python::object transfer_to_python(T* t)
  // Transfer ownership to a smart pointer, allowing for proper cleanup
  // incase Boost.Python throws.
  std::unique_ptr<T> ptr(t);

  // Use the manage_new_object generator to transfer ownership to Python.
  namespace python = boost::python;
  typename python::manage_new_object::apply<T*>::type converter;

  // Transfer ownership to the Python handler and release ownership
  // from C++.
  python::handle<> handle(converter(*ptr));

  return python::object(handle);


boost::python::tuple myObjectWrapper::compute(
  myObject& o, const Container& x0, const double& t0)
  auto x1 = std::make_unique<container>();
  double t1 = 0;
  int stat = self.evaluate(x0, t0, *x1, t1);
  return boost::python::make_tuple(stat, t1, transfer_to_python(x1.release()));

这是一个基于原始问题的完整示例 demonstrates使用 transfer_to_python 辅助函数。

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr

// Mock legacy API.
struct container
  container() {}
  container(boost::python::object) {}

  container(const container&)
    // For this example, guarantee copy is not made.

struct my_object
  int evaluate(container&, double&, container&, double&) { return 42; }

/// @brief Transfer ownership to a Python object.  If the transfer fails,
///        then object will be destroyed and an exception is thrown.
template <typename T>
boost::python::object transfer_to_python(T* t)
  // Transfer ownership to a smart pointer, allowing for proper cleanup
  // incase Boost.Python throws.
  std::unique_ptr<T> ptr(t);

  // Use the manage_new_object generator to transfer ownership to Python.
  namespace python = boost::python;
  typename python::manage_new_object::apply<T*>::type converter;

  // Transfer ownership to the Python handler and release ownership
  // from C++.
  python::handle<> handle(converter(*ptr));

  return python::object(handle);

// API wrapper.
boost::python::tuple my_object_compute(
  my_object& self, container& x0, double t0)
  auto x1 = std::make_unique<container>();
  double t1 = 21;
  int stat = self.evaluate(x0, t0, *x1, t1);
  return boost::python::make_tuple(stat, t1, transfer_to_python(x1.release()));

  namespace python = boost::python;


    .def("compute", &my_object_compute)


>>> import example
>>> my_object = example.MyObject()
>>> status, t, x = my_object.compute(example.Container([1, 2, 3]), 4)
>>> assert(status == 42)
>>> assert(t == 21)
>>> assert(isinstance(x, example.Container))

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