c++ - 我应该在 operator= 中使用 pass-by-const-reference 吗?

标签 c++


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int cnt = 0;
class Complex
    //explicit 禁止double隐式转换为Complex
    explicit Complex(double real, double imaginary = 0)
        : real_ (real), imaginary_(imaginary)
        id_ = cnt++;
        cout << "complex constructed id:" << id_ << endl;

    Complex(const Complex& other): real_ (other.real_), imaginary_(other.imaginary_)
        id_ = cnt++;
        cout << "complex copy constructed id:" << id_ << endl;

        cout << "complex destructed id:" << id_ << endl;

    Complex& operator= (const Complex& rhs)
        cout << "complex operator=" << endl;
        real_ = rhs.real_;
        imaginary_ = rhs.imaginary_;
        return *this;

    //return-by-reference, pass-by-const-reference 
    Complex& operator+= (const Complex& other)
        real_ += other.real_;
        imaginary_ += other.imaginary_;
        return *this;

    Complex& operator++()
        return *this;

    const Complex operator++(int)
        Complex temp(*this);

    ostream& Print(ostream& os) const
        return os << "(" << real_ << "," << imaginary_ << ")";

    int id_;
    double real_;
    double imaginary_;


const Complex operator+ (const Complex& lhs, const Complex& rhs)
    cout << "complex operator+ " << endl;
    Complex ret(lhs);
    ret += rhs;
    return ret;

ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Complex& c)
    return c.Print(os);

int main()
    Complex a(1, 10);
    Complex b(2, 5);
    Complex c(3, 0);
    b = a + c;
    return 0;

代码 a + c 将创建 Complex 类的临时实例,该实例将通过 const 引用传递给函数 operator=。有没有可能是a+c创建的临时实例在operator=执行前就被析构,导致operator=函数执行失败? 我用 gcc4.4.7 编译了这个程序并打印了这个:

enter image description here

看来临时实例是在operator=之后被销毁的。我仍然对这个结果感到困惑,不知道这是编译器优化的结果还是 C++ 的方式。 如果有人能给我一些启发,我将不胜感激。


这就是 C++ 的工作方式。引用标准:

A temporary object bound to a reference parameter in a function call persists until the completion of the full-expression containing the call


因此,由表达式 a + c 创建的类 Complex 的临时实例保证在 结束后 被销毁>operator= 调用。

关于c++ - 我应该在 operator= 中使用 pass-by-const-reference 吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34526104/


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