c++ - 等待单个对象()

标签 c++ multithreading winapi


class A
         m_event =  CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);       // create an event with initial value as non-signalled
         m_thread = _beginthread(StaticThreadEntry, 0, this);    // create a thread 

   static void StaticThreadEntry(A *  obj) {  obj->ThreadEntry();  }

   void ThreadEntry();

void A::ThreadEntry()

int main()
        A a;

        SetEvent(m_event);     // sets the event to signalled state which causes the running thread to terminate 

        WaitForSingleObject(m_thread, INFINITE);  // waits for the thread to terminate

        return 0;


当上面的代码运行时,有时(5 次中有 1 次)它挂起并且控件卡在对 WaitforSingleObject() 的调用中(在主函数内)。代码总是调用 SetEvent() 函数以确保线程将在调用 Wait() 函数之前终止。



问题是您对 _beginthread API 的使用。您不能将此函数返回的句柄与 Win32 等待函数一起使用。您应该使用 _beginthreadex 或 CreateThread。来自 MSDN:

If successful, each of these functions returns a handle to the newly created thread; however, if the newly created thread exits too quickly, _beginthread might not return a valid handle...

You are ... able to use the thread handle returned by _beginthreadex with the synchronization APIs, which you cannot do with _beginthread.

关于c++ - 等待单个对象(),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/964719/


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