android - SQLiteOpenHelper 单连接与多连接

标签 android multithreading sqlite android-sqlite sqliteopenhelper

我对访问 SQLiteDatabase 感到非常困惑。它应该是一个连接或多个连接才能从多个线程访问。我已经阅读了很多文章,包括以下两篇。

这两个都建议使用单一连接。甚至我自己对同一问题的回答也被 OP 接受了。我使用 Singleton 方法访问 SQLiteopenHelper 类。

但是 在阅读了 enableWriteAheadLogging 的文档后我仍然感到困惑

This method enables parallel execution of queries from multiple threads on the same database. It does this by opening multiple connections to the database and using a different database connection for each query. The database journal mode is also changed to enable writes to proceed concurrently with reads.

现在这是令人困惑的部分。如果我想从同时的多个线程访问数据库,我可以使用 Singleton 访问 SQLiteOpenHelper,在我的理解中,这意味着串行执行插入,而同步读取可以在没有 -错误。但是上面的文档说,为了同时访问,应该调用 enableWriteAheadLogging,这会返回创建多个连接。这是怎么回事??如果我通过从多个线程使用 Singleton SQLiteOpenHelper 调用 getWritableDatabase() 来进行插入,这意味着什么?这些电话是串行的吗?是否应该调用 enableWriteAheadLogging



在处理线程时,无论我是否使用 enableWriteAheadLogging,我都会使用单例实例,这在大多数应用程序中都是这种情况,除非它是一个非常微不足道的应用程序,如示例。



it is not possible for reads and writes to occur on the database at the same time. Before modifying the database, the writer implicitly acquires an exclusive lock on the database which prevents readers from accessing the database until the write is completed.

enableWriteAheadLogging 实际上改变了上述行为,因为上述语句仅在未启用预写日志记录(默认)时才为真。

那么当您通过 enableWriteAheadLogging 启用预写日志记录时会发生什么?


In contrast, when write-ahead logging is enabled (by calling this method), write operations occur in a separate log file which allows reads to proceed concurrently. While a write is in progress, readers on other threads will perceive the state of the database as it was before the write began. When the write completes, readers on other threads will then perceive the new state of the database.

It is a good idea to enable write-ahead logging whenever a database will be concurrently accessed and modified by multiple threads at the same time. However, write-ahead logging uses significantly more memory than ordinary journaling because there are multiple connections to the same database. So if a database will only be used by a single thread, or if optimizing concurrency is not very important, then write-ahead logging should be disabled.

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