multithreading - 如何测试在 goroutine 中监视文件的函数

标签 multithreading unit-testing go

我有一个函数可以通过 fsnotify 监视 certian 文件并在文件更改时调用回调。如果回调返回false,则观看结束:

import (

type WatcherFunc func(err error) bool

func WatchFileChanges(filename string, watcherFunc WatcherFunc) {
    watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()

    if err != nil {
        glog.Errorf("Got error creating watcher %s", err)

    defer watcher.Close()

    done := make(chan bool)

    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case event := <-watcher.Events:
                glog.Infof("inotify event %s", event)

                if event.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write {
                    glog.Infof("modified file %s, calling watcher func", event.Name)

                    if !watcherFunc(nil) {

            case err := <-watcher.Errors:
                glog.Errorf("Got error watching %s, calling watcher func", err)

                if !watcherFunc(err) {

    glog.Infof("Start watching file %s", filename)

    err = watcher.Add(filename)

    if err != nil {
        glog.Errorf("Got error adding watcher %s", err)


import (

func TestStuff(t *testing.T) {
    tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "test")

    if err != nil {
        t.Fatal("Failed to create tmp file")

    defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name())

    watcherFunc := func (err error) bool {
        return false

    WatchFileChanges(tmpfile.Name(), watcherFunc)

我想在这里做的是对文件做一些修改,将事件收集到一个数组中,然后从 watcherFunc 返回 false 然后断言阵列。问题是,当 goroutine 启动时,测试当然只是挂起并等待事件。



Is there any way how I can test a function like this, like … starting a different thread (?) that updates/modifies the file?

当然...启动一个 goroutine 来执行您想要的更新。

func TestStuff(t *testing.T) {
    tmpfile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "test")

    if err != nil {
        t.Fatal("Failed to create tmp file")

    defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name())

    watcherFunc := func (err error) bool {
        return false
    go func() {
        // Do updates here

    WatchFileChanges(tmpfile.Name(), watcherFunc)

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