xml - 我应该为我的 XML 站点地图发送什么 Content-Type 值?

标签 xml mime-types sitemap xml-sitemap



difference between text/xml and application/xml如果省略 charset 参数,则为默认字符编码:

Text/xml and application/xml behave differently when the charset parameter is not explicitly specified. If the default charset (i.e., US-ASCII) for text/xml is inconvenient for some reason (e.g., bad web servers), application/xml provides an alternative (see "Optional parameters" of application/xml registration in Section 3.2).

对于 text/xml :

Conformant with [RFC2046], if a text/xml entity is received with the charset parameter omitted, MIME processors and XML processors MUST use the default charset value of "us-ascii"[ASCII]. In cases where the XML MIME entity is transmitted via HTTP, the default charset value is still "us-ascii".

对于 application/xml :

If an application/xml entity is received where the charset parameter is omitted, no information is being provided about the charset by the MIME Content-Type header. Conforming XML processors MUST follow the requirements in section 4.3.3 of [XML] that directly address this contingency. However, MIME processors that are not XML processors SHOULD NOT assume a default charset if the charset parameter is omitted from an application/xml entity.


现在互联网上的一个经验法则是:“严于输出,宽容输入”。这意味着在通过 Internet 传输数据时,请确保尽可能符合标准。但是在通过 Internet 接收和解释数据时建立一些机制来忽略错误或猜测。

所以在你的情况下,只需选择两种类型中的一种(我推荐 application/xml)并确保正确指定使用的字符编码(我建议使用各自的默认字符编码来播放安全,所以在 application/xml 的情况下使用 UTF-8 或 UTF-16)。

关于xml - 我应该为我的 XML 站点地图发送什么 Content-Type 值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3272534/


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