windows - 尝试创建批处理文件以选择要打开的文件

标签 windows batch-file variables cmd



@echo off
::The code below requests for the user to enter part of the file name
::that he/she is interested in opening. This either provides a file name
::or provides a list of similar file names. I would like to take the list
::and create a numbered list from the user can select by entering the 
::associated number.
echo Please enter part of the file name that you would like to search for.
set INPUT=%input%
set /P INPUT=Type input: %=%
dir Template_VBAForm*%INPUT%*.xlsm /b /s




@Echo Off
Set/P "INPUT=Please enter your part file name search term: "
Set "resp=Where/R .\ "Template_VBAForm*%INPUT%*.xlsm""
Set "i=0"
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('%resp%') Do (Set/A "i+=1"
    Call Set "[%%i%%]=%%A")
Set [||GoTo EndIt
Set/P "INPUT=Please enter an item number: "
If Defined [%INPUT%] Call Echo %%[%INPUT%]%%

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