windows - 在 Vim 的 BufWritePost 上将光标更改为另一个窗口

标签 windows vim split



但是我正在实现一个 autocommand,它将触发相同的功能,并且一切正常,除了光标永远不会像未使用自动命令运行时那样更改为打开的窗口。


 autocmd! BufWritePost *.py call MyFunction()

正如我所说,当您手动调用 :call MyFunction() 但使用自动命令时效果不佳。

我认为 Bram 提到过自动命令实际上并不意味着分割窗口甚至移动光标。



按照 ZyX 在对原始问题的评论中所说的,听起来这可行:

function MyFunction()
    [ have all commands you currently have]
    [ . . . ]

    " then as last line include call to feedkeys()
    " this will stuff keystrokes into key buffer
    " and get executed after MyFunction() ends
    " remember that location will always be in 
    " original window, i.e, window that vim
    " was in when autocommand was triggered
    " so if new window is below original
    " window you could use this:

    " feedkeys call below edited to reflect ZyX's
    " improvement of \<C-\>\<C-n> to guarantee
    " we're in Normal mode before using window
    " movement key combo

    call feedkeys("\<C-\>\<C-n>\<c-w>j", 'n')


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