python - 可用内存和总内存始终相同

标签 python windows memory ctypes ram

所以我正在尝试通过 python 获取我的 PC 的可用内存和总内存。这就是我现在所拥有的:

def get_memory_status():
    kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
    c_ulong = ctypes.c_ulong
    class MEMORYSTATUS(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = [
            ("dwLength", c_ulong),
            ("dwMemoryLoad", c_ulong),
            ("dwTotalPhys", c_ulong),
            ("dwAvailPhys", c_ulong),
            ("dwTotalPageFile", c_ulong),
            ("dwAvailPageFile", c_ulong),
            ("dwTotalVirtual", c_ulong),
            ("dwAvailVirtual", c_ulong)
    memoryStatus = MEMORYSTATUS()
    memoryStatus.dwLength = ctypes.sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS)

    return (memoryStatus.dwAvailPhys, memoryStatus.dwTotalPhys)

avail, total = get_memory_status()
print avail + " " + total

如果我执行此操作,我总是会得到相同的可用 RAM 值和总 RAM 值。当我请求 dwMemoryLoad 时,我得到的值与 Window 的任务管理器中显示的“物理内存”相同,它是已用 RAM 的百分比(不是 0)。但我想要精确的字节数。难道我做错了什么?



根据 GlobalMemoryStatus MSDN entry 的说明:

On Intel x86 computers with more than 2 GB and less than 4 GB of memory, the GlobalMemoryStatus function will always return 2 GB in the dwTotalPhys member of the MEMORYSTATUS structure. Similarly, if the total available memory is between 2 and 4 GB, the dwAvailPhys member of the MEMORYSTATUS structure will be rounded down to 2 GB. If the executable is linked using the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE linker option, then the GlobalMemoryStatus function will return the correct amount of physical memory in both members.


[GlobalMemoryStatus can return incorrect information. Use the GlobalMemoryStatusEx function instead.]

顺便说一句,这个函数存在于 pywin32 库中。

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