c - Linux (gcc) 和 Windows (mingw32 gcc) 之间具有不同位域的结构大小

标签 c windows gcc struct bit-fields

类似的问题,但特定于打包结构: Why would the size of a packed structure be different on Linux and Windows when using gcc?

我正在为 Linux 和 Windows 构建一个共享库,它需要通过网络连接处理结构良好的数据。我在 Linux 上使用 gcc 4.8.2,并使用 i686-pc-mingw32-gcc 4.8.1 为 Windows 目标交叉编译。

我制作了这个小程序来演示这个问题(请注意 GCC 属性已被注释掉,保留它们以供引用):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef uint16_t word_t;

typedef enum //__attribute__((__packed__))
  PRIO_0 = 0,

typedef enum //__attribute__((__packed__))
  FLAG_A = 0,

typedef struct //__attribute__((__packed__))
  word_t id     : 8;
  prio_t prio   : 3;
  flag_t flag_1 : 1;
  flag_t flag_2 : 1;
  flag_t flag_3 : 1;
  flag_t flag_4 : 1;
  word_t spare  : 1;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#define NAME_WIDTH 32

  printf("%-*s = %lu\n", NAME_WIDTH, "sizeof(prio_t)", (unsigned long)sizeof(prio_t));
  printf("%-*s = %lu\n", NAME_WIDTH, "sizeof(flag_t)", (unsigned long)sizeof(flag_t));
  printf("%-*s = %lu\n", NAME_WIDTH, "sizeof(recd_t)", (unsigned long)sizeof(recd_t));

  return 0;

我正在为 Linux 编译使用: gcc -g -Wall test.c -o ./test

和Windows: i686-pc-mingw32-gcc -g -Wall test.c -o ./test.exe

我觉得很简单。在 Linux 上运行时,输出是我所期望的:

sizeof(prio_t)                   = 4
sizeof(flag_t)                   = 4
sizeof(recd_t)                   = 4

但是在 Windows 上:

sizeof(prio_t)                   = 4
sizeof(flag_t)                   = 4
sizeof(recd_t)                   = 12

那么 Windows 大小有什么关系呢?为什么在这种情况下它们与 Linux 不同?



sizeof(prio_t)                   = 1
sizeof(flag_t)                   = 1
sizeof(recd_t)                   = 2

Windows :

sizeof(prio_t)                   = 1
sizeof(flag_t)                   = 1
sizeof(recd_t)                   = 6


C 规范有一个信息性附件 (Annex J),它总结了未指定的行为、未定义的行为和实现定义的行为。这是关于位域的内容。

J.3 Implementation-defined behavior

A conforming implementation is required to document its choice of behavior in each of the areas listed in this subclause. The following are implementation-defined:

J.3.9 Structures, unions, enumerations, and bit-fields

  • Whether a "plain" int bit-field is treated as a signed int bit-field or as an unsigned int bit-field (6.7.2,

  • Allowable bit-field types other than _Bool, signed int, and unsigned int (

  • Whether atomic types are permitted for bit-fields (
  • Whether a bit-field can straddle a storage-unit boundary (
  • The order of allocation of bit-fields within a unit (
  • The alignment of non-bit-field members of structures ( This should present no problem unless binary data written by one implementation is read by another.
  • The integer type compatible with each enumerated type (


似乎在 Windows 上,每次类型更改时,编译器都会启动一个新的“单元”。因此,在未打包的情况下,您有一个 word_t(2 个字节),然后是一个 prio_t(4 个字节)、一个 flag_t(4 个字节)和另一个 word_t(2 个字节),总共 12 个字节。打包后为 2,1,1,2,总共 6 个。如果您将所有字段声明为 uint16_t,您可能会在 Windows 上获得正确的大小,但您仍然有 “顺序的问题单元内位域的分配” 是实现定义的。

关于c - Linux (gcc) 和 Windows (mingw32 gcc) 之间具有不同位域的结构大小,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31349819/


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