c++ - 判断IP是否被封

标签 c++ windows security networking

有谁知道是否可以可靠地确定(以编程方式 C/C++...)Windows PC 上是否安装了防火墙或 IP 过滤软件?我需要检测客户端软件中的某个服务器IP是否被主机操作系统阻止。

在这种情况下我不需要担心外部硬件防火墙,因为我可以完全控制它。我只关心软件防火墙。我希望能够迭代 Windows 网络堆栈或 NDIS 接口(interface)并确定这一点



Detecting running firewalls in windows

这是专家的交流帖子,因此您可能无法阅读该帖子。以防万一,我复制并粘贴了相关信息。它是用 VBScript 编写的,但它应该为您指明可以使用哪些 WMI 命名空间的正确方向。

KemalRouge: I've just solved this problem with some help from a colleague. He pointed me in the direction of a knowledge base article, which pointed out that this information was stored in the WMI database

Basically, it's possible to query the WMI in a few lines of code to find out what firewalls/anti-virus software is being monitored by the Security Center, and the status of this software (i.e. enabled or not).

Anyway, if you're interested, here's some VB code I used to test this out (you'll need a reference to "Microsoft WMI Scripting V1.2 Library"):

Private Sub DumpFirewallInfo()

Dim oLocator    As WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
Dim oService    As WbemScripting.SWbemServicesEx
Dim oFirewalls  As WbemScripting.SWbemObjectSet
Dim oFirewall   As WbemScripting.SWbemObjectEx
Dim oFwMgr      As Variant
    Set oFwMgr = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr")
    Debug.Print "Checking the Windows Firewall..."
    Debug.Print "Windows Firewal Enabled: " & oFwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.FirewallEnabled
    Debug.Print ""
    Set oFwMgr = Nothing
    Debug.Print "Checking for other installed firewalls..."
    Set oLocator = New WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
    Set oService = oLocator.ConnectServer(".", "root\SecurityCenter")
    oService.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3

    Set oFirewalls = oService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM FirewallProduct") ' This could also be "AntivirusProduct"
    For Each oFirewall In oFirewalls
        Debug.Print "Company:       " & vbTab & oFirewall.CompanyName
        Debug.Print "Firewall Name: " & vbTab & oFirewall.DisplayName
        Debug.Print "Enabled:       " & vbTab & Format$(oFirewall.Enabled)
        Debug.Print "Version:       " & vbTab & oFirewall.versionNumber
        Debug.Print ""
    Next oFirewall
    Set oFirewall = Nothing
    Set oFirewalls = Nothing
    Set oService = Nothing
    Set oLocator = Nothing

End Sub

关于c++ - 判断IP是否被封,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/198625/


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