windows - 如何在cmd中调用嵌套程序

标签 windows shell batch-file cmd

程序 A(cmd.exe\C)(接受 1 个参数)

程序 B:(接受 1 个或多个参数)

C1,C2,C3, ... : 一个 agruments 列表

如果我在 cmd 提示符下输入 A B C1 C2 C3, 期望的解释是

A (B (C1 C2 C3))(C 是 B 的参数,B 是 A 的参数)

但不是 A (B) (C1) (C2) (C3)(B,C1,C2, C3, .... 是 A 的参数)

我应该如何在 cmd 提示符下转义/重定向/管道?



根据 Microsoft's documentation ,您可以对管道使用 | 运算符。


B C1 C2 C3 | A




cmd.exe /C B C1 C2 C3

你可以用 ^ 转义特殊字符


cmd.exe /C "B C1 C2 C3"

更新 2

如果您在使用 cmd.exe/C 和引号(例如 B、C1、C2、C3 包含空格)时遇到问题,您应该用另一对引号将整个命令括起来

cmd.exe /C ""B" "C1" "C2" "C3""

仅供引用,在 Microsoft's documentation on cmd.exeProcessing quotation marks 部分:

If you specify /c or /k, cmd processes the remainder of string and quotation marks are preserved only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • You do not use /s.
  • You use exactly one set of quotation marks.
  • You do not use any special characters within the quotation marks (for example: &<>( ) @ ^ |).
  • You use one or more white-space characters within the quotation marks.
  • The string within quotation marks is the name of an executable file.

If the previous conditions are not met, string is processed by examining the first character to verify whether or not it is an opening quotation mark. If the first character is an opening quotation mark, it is stripped along with the closing quotation mark. Any text following the closing quotation marks is preserved.

您可能想阅读 Syntax : Escape Characters, Delimiters and Quotes也是:

To launch a batch script with spaces in the Program Path requiring "quotes"

CMD /k ""c:\batch files\test.cmd" "Parameter 1 with space" "Parameter2 with space""

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